XVI. Breaking Up

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            “Illysia, what’s an Undine?” I asked as I ate my bread.

            “An Undine is a female water spirit that inhabits this lake, that’s why it’s named after them,” she explained and we heard a mild singing coming from the water.

            “What’s that? Is that an Undine?” Heather wondered loudly.

            “Oh no, that must’ve been a mermaid or a nixie,” she smiled.

            “Oh, this is great, is it alright to talk with one?” I tried to find out if I can.

            “Usually, yes, but you must be a really good person on the inside, Undines can see the heart of a person when it looks in the water, if the person is bad, they will sing with the mermaids and nixies but if the person is of evil intent, they will wail endlessly until a good-hearted person looks into the water,” she replied.

            I tried looking into the water and… YEY! I’m good! Ha-ha… the others had been resting then but I wanted to befriend a mermaid, undine or nixie so I stayed there for sometime, just when I was about to give up, I saw a head pop-out of the water.

            “Hi,” I shouted over the water and I saw movements from under the surface of the water.

            “Who are you talking to?” Jaren asked from behind me.

            “I just think I saw a mermaid,” I said

            “I see, now, about last night,” he started

            “It’s okay, I understand how you feel,” I said then he leaned down again and kissed me again just like last night, but I pulled away, I loved it but its wrong!

            “Jaren, listen, I love you but there is something I need to do, Jan thinks we are still together and what would he think if he knew we are already going out without telling him I’ve broken up with him already,” I said embarrassingly.

            “Look, you know you could talk to Jan with that ring, I asked Illysia and that was how Professor Millot spoke to you,” he explained.

            I thought about it and gave in. “Alright, I’ll try,” I focused, with all my might, to think about Jan and surprisingly, a wave of consciousness passed through me. ­Hi Jan! It’s me Jackie; I need to talk to you.

            What the hell is going on?! Am I being punk’d here? Jan said in his mind.

            No, it’s really me, Jackie; it’s a long story and I’ll tell you when I get back home, but there is an important matter I need to discuss with you.

            Okay, now, I’ll assume that you’re MY Jackie, what is this matter you want to talk about? He asked skeptically

            I’m breaking up with you

            Now, that’s just wrong, you’re not Jackie, she wouldn’t dump me for anything. He roared.

            You see, Jan, I’ve never really felt concern or affection from you these last few months and that is why I’m upset. I don’t know if you still care for me or if you still love me. I’m confused, Jan, and I dunno how long I could hold it in. Now, I just managed to tell you.

            Jackie, I respect what you have to say and I know I’ve done wrong but know this, I will always love you, no matter what, and he pulled out of our conversation.

            “How’d it go?” Jaren asked me quietly.

            “I’ve got no idea!” and I broke down, crying, have you ever experienced feeling the aftereffect of breaking up with you boyfriend? Trust me; don’t even try it until you are really ready.

            “Jackie,” he murmured.

            “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” I bellowed at him and he was somewhat taken aback by my sudden vehemence that he was somehow lost for words.

            “I’m sorry, Jackie, I did not mean to push you or something,”

            “Too late for that now, I’ve broken up with Jan just for you,” I said with a touch of indifference

            “I’m asking you now: DO YOU LOVE ME?” Jaren asked his face close to mind as he held my arms firmly at my side so I can’t move.

            “Yes… of course! Why would I break up with my boyfriend for you if I don’t love you?” I shouted and started crying once more, he hugged me tightly and whispered to my ear with his pleasant voice of his:

            “I’m sorry, I did not want to bring this upon you, but I love you so much, Jackie, and I will never ever do anything to hurt you in some way, if you want, I’ll leave you alone for a while so that you can think in peace and quiet, if you need something, just call, I’ll be here for you.” He said as he let go of me and kissed me on the cheek before leaving.


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