V. The Unexpected Hero

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Everybody came by early and our house was bustling with activity. Mrs. Lockmann and Mrs. Rodriguez were helping my mom in the kitchen. We were tensed and nervous. The men are just sitting there in the living room waiting anxiously. Then a few minutes later, my mom with Viola and Heather’s mom went out to us and, mom said, “Watch Closely…” They held hands in a circle “Asta meiinalan lamoare sinagiano!” and their heads looked up for a moment and… nothing.

“Now we wait,” she said.

“What did you do?” I asked.

“We just summoned the fifth hero.”


Jaren was restless all throughout the night, for some unknown reason he couldn’t sleep. In his mind’s eye he saw a book; it was old and musty and on the front cover, written in gold was: le Profezia. He had no idea what it was. Then something burned and itched through his right shoulder, he walked up to the mirror and saw a deformed “P” tattooed on the skin. It glowed white-hot but didn’t hurt him. Now he was confused. Then at about 11:30 by his reckoning he saw in the mirror that he was vanishing. He was getting transparent. And in the next moment he was gone. He felt like a ghost, flying through the dark, night heading towards a house. I knew this place…its Jackie’s house. But why am I here? He wondered and in an instant he dropped on the hardwood floor with a loud THUMP or was it more of a CRASH?! He was not sure. He looked around and found himself in a musty old attic.

“What was that?!” I jumped up startled by the crash. “It came from the attic.” I noticed.

“Took him long enough,” said Mrs. Lockmann impatiently

We hurried upstairs and I got to the attic first. I almost fainted at what I saw, and no, it was not rats, it was a hell of a lot better. I saw in the dark side of the room, JAREN, with his Leya glowing white.

“Welcome, Jaren! We’ve been waiting for you.” My mom shouted from the back of the group, beaming. We went down to the living room and without thinking I blurted out: “Mom! Why didn’t you tell us Jaren is the fifth hero?”

“Because we were not entirely sure about it, I didn’t want you to get your hopes too high.”

“Wait, hold your horses there! What’s this about heroes and stuff? I have no clue about anything you’re talking about.”

Mom recounted the prophecy for Jaren with special commentary from moi.

“But what about my parents?” he asked after we explained everything to him.

“We’ll take care of it, dear,” assured Mrs. Rodiguez.

“Now everybody listen closely. Open your purses now, Oh, this is yours Jaren,” she said as she handed him his purse. We looked inside the purse and saw a beautiful, elegant ring with intricate etchings. I tried to put it on but, “Jackie! No not yet, you are to put it on before you go into the portal.” Mrs. Lockmann told me alarmingly.

“Okay…” I just said. This just gets weirder by the second, wouldn’t you agree?

“What portal?” asked Heather.

“Come,” mom said as she motioned us to the basement.

“This Portal,” Mrs. Lockmann stated as she pulled down a curtain revealing a door glowing slightly around the edges.


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