XX. Lost

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“What the heck have I done now?” Viola said to herself, disgusted with her lack of self-control the other night. She had been wandering around for some time now in the forest, lost. She just sat there, under a tree, eating an apple and thinking where the others could be.

“Are you lost?” came a squeaky voice from under the small bush behind her. Startled, she jumped up and looked around and saw fairy come out.

“Hello,” she greeted the fairy gently, “what’s your name?”

“Er… I am known by many names,” the fairy replied.

“Tell me at least one,”

“You may know me as Mirella,”

“It is nice meeting you Mirella, I’m Viola,” Viola said introducing herself.

“Are you lost?” the fairy repeated.

“Unfortunately, I am,”

“Oh, where are you from?” Mirella asked, intrigued by the stranger.

“Let’s just say I’m not from around here,”

“I see, can I help in any way?”

“If you can help me out this forest, then great,” Viola said with a chuckle.

“As a matter of fact, I’m lost, too,” the fairy bowed her head.


“I was traveling with my friend through this forest when the howling winds blew me off and I got separated from him,” she said quietly.

“You know what, maybe I could help find your friend, let’s look for him together!” Viola proposed

“Great idea!” and Viola mounted the horse as Mirella sat upon her shoulder.

They searched the forest high and low for Mirella’s friend. “Hey, Viola, you’re pretty,” Mirella said.

“You think so? Well, I don’t know,” Viola replied, abashed.

“I like your dress, you must be a princess,” Mirella told her excitedly.

“Oh no, I’m far from royalty,”

“Um, Viola, not to be pushy, but do you have anything to eat?” the fairy asked.

“Oh, okay, why don’t we stop for now, anyway, it’s getting late.” Viola said as she realized it was getting dark, “Why don’t we camp here for the night?” she added and Mirella agreed. She placed a small pot on the fire they made and started cooking their dinner. As they were about to eat, they heard somebody shout, “MIRELLA!” it sounded like a boy.

Excitedly, Viola hurried over to where Mirella was, “Did you here that? Someone is looking for you!”

Mirella got up and somehow she looked confused, “That isn’t my friend, my friend is a fairy just like me and that sounds like someone of your race,”

“Let’s go check it out, maybe somebody helped your friend like how I helped you,” Viola said, and the two of them followed where the voice was coming from. It led them to a clearing much like theirs and found a boy with a fairy on his shoulder.


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