Chapter 14-The Mouthpiece of Sauron

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Chapter 14- The Mouthpiece of Sauron

It was early morning when I awoke. The sun had just peaked up over the horizon, flooding my room with bright, radiant rays that sparkled on te chandelier: covering the walls in glistening beauty. The birds had been awake for a while, because their singing and chirping had become far louder than I remembered on my previous journey.

It had been a long while since I had been permitted to sleep this late. In the past months, we had been awake long before the birds were singing in their trees.

I stretched, feeling as if I had been asleep for days, if not weeks. I let out a quiet and content sigh as I closed my eyes once more, willing to fall back into Sleep's arms.

"It's good to see that you're finally awake," my brother's voice chuckled, causing me to jump. He was reclining on the couch with his pipe between his lips and an amused smile on his face.

"You startled me!" I hissed, extinguishing the ball of flames that i had produced in fright. "I might have the whole castle on fire, because of you! Besides, I don't know why you look so amused. I've only just woken up," I replied smartly.

"Aye," he nodded. "Two days after your head first met that pillow."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You lie."

"Do I?" he asked, puffing a stream of smoke. "I wouldn't lie to you, dear sister." He stood from his position and made his way toward the door. "Gandalf has ordered a meeting this morning to discuss the whereabouts of Frodo and Sam."

I yawned, stretching and inhaling his musty-pipe scent. "What time?" I asked.

"An hour," he answered, opening the door. You had best ready yourself."

With that said, he exited the room and left me still half-asleep. My bed was warm and the pillows soft and oh-so comfortable. I cautiously pulled the blankets off my body and carefully made my way off the mattress, trying to avoid ripping my stitches.

In ease I slipped the nightgown from my bruised and scared body, letting it fall into a pile on the floor. I stood there in nothing but my undergarments, searching the room for something to wear.

My trousers and blouse had been disposed of due to their worn state, and a note on the table informed me that the maidservant was sewing me a new pair. In frustration I uncovered a plain blue dress with a golden belt.

It was simple and would not draw too much attention to myself. Therefore it was perfect. With that, I slipped the dress over my head, permitting the fabric to caress my skin like a lover. The Gondorian's were skilled seamstresses, even better than those in Rohan.

My hair was an unruly mass of copper and golden curls from such a long slumber. I sighed in relief upon discovering the brush was still in my accessibility and wasted no time in combing through my tangled hair. I braided it over my shoulder, letting it cascade down to my midsection.

I had to admit, it felt nice to look like a woman again.

My body was still tender, and I knew there was no way I would be ready for a fight anytime soon- but I would not be left behind if something did come up!


It was noon by the time we had gathered in the Great Hall for our meeting. Gimli sat reclined on the Steward's black, marble throne, his pipe between his lips and an amused smile on his face. Legolas stood beside Éomer, his arms crossed over his chest and his hair over his shoulders.

Éomer appeared not to have slept at all in the past couple days. His hazel eyes were dark and his hair tousled and tangled. His kept his left hand at his side where his sword would be, his fingers twitching nervously, concerned for his sister. The young Prince had lost much in the past two days: his men and his uncle, King Théoden of Rohan, who had been killed by the Witch King of Angmar.

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