Chapter 18- The Crownless Again Shall be King

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Chapter 18- The Crownless Again Shall Be King


Elrohir and Elladan had forgiven me for my behavior the night of the feast. I sought them out soon after Legolas, and I returned to the Great Hall. The two of them were exchanging stories with my brother, catching up and discussing what to do now that Sauron was defeated.

I dipped my head as I approached them, feeling all eyes settling on me as I returned to my seat. Legolas, noticing my discomfort, took my hand in his and squeezed it softly. Dinner passed, and drinks were poured around; laughter and merriment echoed in the Hall.

"I must apologize to them," I told Legolas, gesturing to my cousins.

He nodded, bringing my hand to his lips. "I shall be awaiting your return, my love."

Swallowing my pride, I excused myself from the table and asked my cousins for a moment. They nodded, and the three of us ventured outside to the White Tree to speak privately. "I'm sorry for my behavior," I apologized, unable to meet their eyes. "I was just so excited to see you! To catch up on what had happened in my absence, and I did not behave how I should've."

As it turned out, Elrohir wasn't even embarrassed by the situation. He told me that he found the case 'refreshing.'

Elladan, the more serious of the twins, reprimanded me by stating: "You, my dear cousin, are to marry the King of Mirkwood's only Son and Heir. As the future Queen of Mirkwood, you are a reflection on his kingdom and whatever you do and say with influence how others view Legolas."

I exhaled softly.

I hadn't seen it that way.

"Look at me, Rayel," Elladan said softly, gentling placing his knuckles under my chin and causing me to meet his stormy gray eyes. "I tell you this not out of spite, but because I wish you to be your absolute best."

I smiled in gratitude, feeling tears welling in the corners of my eyes. "Diol lye," I thanked him.

He nodded.

When I was small, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen were much older than me. They were in their early Mid-Summer years as we Elves called it. Somewhere between nine-hundred and mid-thousands. Young by Elf standards. My earliest memories were of Arwen and my Uncle in Rivendell. Aragorn was always close, but at times he needed to travel North to visit his kin: the Dúnedain Rangers. During this time, I would sit beside the gardens and stare out at the Gates: watching and waiting for my brother to return.

Elrohir would lure me from the garden and lead me into the Woods of Imladris to show me how to use a bow. Of course, when Elladan learned of this, he tried to put a stop to it. Similar to my Uncle Elrond's belief, an Elleth had no business with swordplay or archery. I would always argue with Elladan- even getting to the point of yelling and screaming at him. My younger self claimed that I could do as I pleased- I was not a young lady, nor did I wish to be treated as one.

Not until I was older did I learn that the reason my cousin refused to let me interact with weapons was because of what happened to my aunt Celebraín. Shortly before my parents were killed, my Aunt Celebraín was journeying to Lothlórien to visit Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel when Orcs ambushed her. Celebraín was imprisoned and tortured for a long while before Elrohir and Elladan were able to rescue her.

After my cousins had successfully returned their mother to Rivendell, it was discovered that she had been poisoned. My Uncle Elrond tried in desperation to heal her, but she never fully recovered. Thinking it would do her well to see her sister, Elrond sent word to his brother (my father) Elros, urging him to bring my mother Gëla to visit.

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