Chapter 15- The End of All Things

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Chapter 15- The End of All Things

"We're not going to make it!" I shouted to my Companions as we galloped away from the Black Gates and toward our Army.

"We will make it!" Aragorn assured me, his voice shaking.

Just ahead of us, our Army shifted nervously at the growing Horde of Orcs that already had started of Mordor. In the eyes of the men, I saw fear and distress. They had survived the bloodbath in Minas Tirith only to be thrown back to the wolves.

The Orcs were chanting in the Black Language, and already I could feel the same fear building inside my mind. I prayed to the Valar that maybe- just maybe I would live through this battle.

"Hold your ground!" my brother's voice rang out clear and demanding. "Hold your ground!"

All eyes turned to my brother as we broke rank and tried to steady our racing hearts.

"Sons of Gondor-of Rohan, my brothers!" Aragorn's kingly stature was made clear as the men slowly inched forward to hear what their leader would say. "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails; when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields," he continued. His persuasive speech sent chills down my back. "When the Age of Men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!"

A faint smile danced across my lips, and I stared in wonder at my brother- this Ranger from the North that rescued me when all was lost. This Ranger, who raised me, taught me how to defend myself- and the Father I had never had. This time when I looked at him, I saw the true King of Gondor. And I knew I would do anything in my power to defend him.

"By all that you hold dear on this good earth," Aragorn continued his eyes full of concern for his men. "I bid you stand, Men of the West!" he thrust his blade into the air, and the Men drew their swords in sync.

It took only a moment to realize that the forces of Mordor outnumbered us at least one hundred to one, and once again, the flames of Hope flickered. Aragorn dismounted his horse, and the rest of us followed his example.

"Close ranks!" Éomer shouted, and everyone obliged as we formed a tight circle against the surrounding forces.

Brendawyn gave me a small smile before turning to face Théoden's sister-son. "Amin mela lle, amin Mellon," she whispered.

There, in front of all the Men, in the calm before the storm, Éomer swept the Elf maid into his arms and kissed her with as much passion as he could muster. He cared not that they might perish in the impending battle- he just held her for a moment before softly setting her down.

The two gazed at each other lovingly before drawing their swords and standing together, ready for whatever might come. I turned to face Legolas and pressed my lips to his cheek. "In the incident that we fail-."

But he cut me off with his lips on mine. "We will prevail, Lothrayel. Everything will be as it should, and we will rout this Darkness," he assured me.

The Orcs surrounded us and encircled our ranks like a ravenous predator. The forces of Mordor clanged their shields and swords together, roaring and jarring at us. Merry and Pippin drew their short swords and shifted nervously back and forth.

"I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a pair of Elves," Gimli grumbled beside us.

Legolas and I turned to face our Dwarf friend. "What about side by side with a friend?" my Mirkwood Prince suggested.

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