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The years that followed Aragorn's Coronation were of peace. Sauron's remaining forces had been pushed back and utterly destroyed by the effects of Gondor and Rohan. The Hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin returned home to the Shire. Upon arriving back, Sam married his long-love Rosie Cotton and raised fourteen children as the Mayor of Hobbiton. Pippin married a young Hobbit named Diamond and inherited his Father's title of Thain of the Shire. His young son Faramir later married Sam's daughter Goldilocks.

Merry soon came to wed one of the Bolgers, young Estella, and had one son. Merry earned the title Master of Buckland and later went on many adventures with Pippin. Even into old age. Frodo stayed in the Shire for two years following the destruction of the Ring, before deciding to sail to Valinor with Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn.

Back in Gondor, Aragorn and Arwen married, and the two had three beautiful children: two girls and a son, Aragorn's heir, Eldarion. Aragorn died tragically at the age of 210, his wife Arwen, left for Lothlorien to give up her life at this time. Upon hearing of his death, Legolas built a ship to sail to Valinor and took his dear friend Gimli along.

In Rohan, Eomer became King, and his sister, Eowyn, married Faramir.


This Epilogue takes place several months after Aragorn's Coronation:

Rayel's POV

"Is this too much?" I asked quietly as Brendawyn placed a small silver circlet on my head. My dress was airy, loose, and as white as the clouds above Valinor. My long, brown hair was cascading down my back like a waterfall, an all the while my eyes glinted green with happiness.

"It is your wedding, Rayel," Brendawyn chuckled. "You are allowed to dress in the finest garments."

"Don't forget these," Eowyn pointed out, placing a pair of white slippers at my feet. "You are marrying the heir of Mirkwood; you most certainly cannot neglect your shoes."

"Thank you, Eowyn," I chuckled, slipping into the slippers. After taking a deep breath, I turned, examining my reflection in the mirror one last time. I looked beautiful. The neckline of the dress exposed several of my scars, proving that even Elves have their limit on perfection. I sighed deeply, my hands shaking with anxiety. "What if he changes his mind?" I turned to face my two friends. "What if Legolas decides he no longer loves me as he thought he did?"

"Then he is a fool," a firm, masculine voice spoke behind me.

I turned around only to give an excited cry of surprise. "Aragorn!" I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck. "You came!"

"Of course I did," my brother chuckled, his arms coming around me to return the embrace. "I could not miss my own sister's wedding," he smiled, his fingers twirled around my auburn waves. "You're beautiful."

"Thank you, dear brother," I smiled softly. "But my wedding will in no way compare with yours," I laughed, pulling away from the embrace and examining him intently. His shaggy brown hair had been recently cut and his beard trimmed. His gray-green eyes were full of happiness and wisdom beyond his years. "You look handsome." I complimented, brushing the scruff of his beard. "Your wife takes good care of you, my King."

Aragorn chuckled, shaking his head."I do admit. I'm still becoming adjusted to that term. I was once the Ranger- Strider. Very few knew my name, and now..." his voice trailed off, and he looked sad and distant. "Well, no matter. I have someone who very much wants to see you," he stepped aside to reveal my cousin.

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