Chapter 13

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Francisco POV

"It's trivia time!" Pace whoops as he jumps up from the couch.

I never thought I would say this but, I'm at Pace's house. Never in my life would I have thought to be cool with him, until a few weeks ago. I always hated him for being the person he is, but now I'm growing to like him. He can be really crazy at times, though. I hope I don't catch a disease.

"Or what I like to call, Lucas' Trivia," Lucas says from behind me, as he walks over to a stool and sits down.

Apparently we're about to play a game, where you have to answer the most right questions, and if you have the least, you have to suffer the consequences. Sadly, Elizabeth is the one who is picking the punishments. I know she's probably going to pick easy dares, like lick the floor or give someone a hickie. Not totally comfortable with the whole idea of her doing the punishments, because she doesn't like me for shit, so if I lose I know she's going to pull out the big guns. I'll admit that I'm a little scared, but they don't have to know that.

"Elizabeth isn't playing right?" Ian asks as he reaches for his shoe laces. Earlier we took off all of our shoe laces and tried to make a rope, so we can jump the wall. A few of us, couldn't jump the wall, due to our choice of clothing. It didn't work because Quade's laces were weak and I don't want to say names, but someone ate shit.




Oh shit.. I said the name. Bless my heart.

"Nope sir," Elizabeth speaks. She's sitting on the floor, with cards that say each of our names on them. She's going to pick two cards, and those two people have to go against each other.


"Okay, let's begin!" Lucas shouts, "pick the cards." He points at Elizabeth and she does as told.

"Quade and...Pace," she says, revealing the two cards.

Quade stands up and walks over to Lucas, while Pace groans and pouts. We all know that Quade is the smartest, out of all of us. It would have been cruel if it were Ian and Quade. Ha-Ha.

"When I ask the question, and you think you know the answer, you will press on this bell and answer the question," Lucas explains quickly. He sounds like a game show host, "if you get it wrong, the other person has a chance to answer. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Quade responds as Pace nods his head, nervously. I have no idea why he's so nervous; it's just a stupid game.

"And the question is," Lucas says loudly. I roll my eyes at how dramatic he looks. He's been like this, for as long as I can remember. "Who was the most famous writer of the Elizabeth Age?"

I know the answer almost immediately. This is too easy. I feel like even Ian would know the answer.

"William Shakespeare!" They both shout. I stand up in shock. I'm impressed. He actually knew the answer. Way to go Pace Oliver!

"Right," Lucas nods, "but neither of you pressed the bell!"

I snort in laughter and Elizabeth can't even breathe from all the silent laughing. She claps her hands as she laughs in silent. She catches her breath and it's even funnier than Lucas' shouting. She looks like a seal.

"Get the hell out of here," Lucas pushes them away.

"Next people are," Elizabeth looks down at the cards. She's unbelievable. Obviously it's Ian and I.

"Ian and Martin."

Woah. Hold the phone. I forgot about Martin. I'm a bad person.

"You guys know the drill.." Lucas says, "10 Things I Hate About You, is an adaption of what?"

Okay so Lucas is only asking questions that have to with Shakespeare?

"Something with The Shrew," Martin says, rubbing his chin.

"Eh- wrong," Lucas saying, making a buzzing noise with his mouth.

"Oh oh ooh oh," Ian says as he bounces up and down on the tip of his toes. He looks like a bouncing ball. "The Taming of the Shrew!"

My mouth is literally in gape. How the hell did he know that?

"Ian!" Lucas shouts. "You looked at my cards!"

"How did you know?" Ian pouts.

"Ah ha!" Lucas points his index finger at Ian. "I was just lying but you fell right into it." He smirks in satisfaction.

"Dammit," Ian turns around.

"I knew it was too good to be true," Elizabeth shakes her head and laughs. "Anyways, who wants to go up against Francisco?"

"I'll do it," Lucas volunteers. Of course he would. He made the cards so he's gonna get the question right. I'm not stupid.

"Okay, but I'll ask the question," Elizabeth stands from the floor and walks to the stool as Lucas moves aside. I stand next to him and we wait for Elizabeth to ask us a question.

"Who had a dream that all should be treated equally?"

"Martin Luther!" Lucas shouts. Dammit. Now I look dumb.

"Eh- wrong!" Elizabeth mocks him, "Martin Luther is from the 1500's. He studied to be a lawyer then decided to become a monk."

This girl payed close attention in her World History class, last year. Shit.

"Martin Luther King Jr.!" I shout. Yes. I know that's right. It has to be. And if it's not, I'm grabbing Elizabeth and fucking her. Wait, what?Not really. Unless she wants to.

"You're right," she claps mockingly.

In your face. Mister golden boy.

"Aha," I smirk. I walk off to the couch and plop myself down. Lucas lost. I won. Who sucks at everything in their life now?

Probably still me.

"Now the punishments for the sore losers," Elizabeth smirks. "All of you except for Francisco."

Ian groans but Lucas doesn't say a word. He doesn't look at anyone. I can literally see the steam coming out from his ear. Feels good to win. And here I was thinking it was just a stupid game. No, this is going on my job résumé.

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