Chapter 2

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I knock on Mau's door for a bit, waiting for him to open the door.

The door opens, and it's not Mauricio. I don't know who this is. It's a stranger.

"Yes?" The stranger speaks. I don't know who he is but he sure is cute. I don't know why that's always the first thing I notice.

"Um, is Mauricio here?" I ask, as I try to peek around him.

"Depends," he smiles, "do I look like him?"

I look at him for a while, pretending to see if it's Mauricio or not. I know it's not him, but I thought it would be funny.

"Nope," I say as I scan his beautiful face features.

"Then nope," he mocks me as he shuts the door in my face.

My mouth falls open. In all seriousness, I'm a little taken back as I try to process what just happened.

I glare at the door for a while.

"Jerk," I frown at the wooden door.

It opens again.

"Jerk?" He questions me.

"Yeah, jerk," I stare him down, trying to look intimidating.

"That's cute," he smirks.

You're cute, I think to myself.

"I know I am," I fake a smile as I turn around.

"Hey, why don't you give me your number?" He comments as he reaches out for my arm.

"Why, so you can plan a hang out then get in my pants? Yeah I think I'll pass," I roll my eyes.

"You know, I was actually going to say, I'll give you a call and invite you to the theater but your idea sounds a lot better," he smirks, then runs his fingers through his hair.

"I''d prefer a bus run me over," I narrow my eyes at him.

"Or we can do it in a bus," he smiles as he looks up at the sky as if he were to be imagining it.

"I just met you and you already disgust me," I scoff. Who does this guy think he is? Yeah, he's cute but he's getting over his head.

"What's your name?" He smirks as he leans against his door.

"Elizabeth Hatcher, don't forget it," I point at him then turn around and begin to walk away.

"Oh I won't!" He calls out.

I begin to walk back home and when I get there, my mom isn't home. I go into my room and lock the door.

I take out the green container from my backpack and look at it for a moment. I sigh and put it back in my backpack. I turn off the lights and take off my docs and kick them under my bed. I tie my hair in a messy bun and strip off my clothes and put on my pajamas.

I lay in my bed and just think about my mom. How rude I was to her...

I can't believe I said that to her. I regret it. I regret it so much.

I close my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.

* * *

I wake up the next morning on a sunny Saturday. I look to the left to see that my clock marks 11:26am. I get up from bed and stretch a little. I walk out of my room and go downstairs to the kitchen. It's empty. I walk over to the dinner table and sit in a chair, while I look out of the window and see the bright sun flash against the wall behind me. I put my head down on my arms and close my eyes. I feel them tear up and I immediately feel sadness in my heart. I get up and take a few deep breaths to get over the horrible feeling. I wipe away my tears and walk back into the kitchen. I open a cabinet and take out the cereal. I serve myself some cereal in a bowl and then I hear someone come into the kitchen. I look behind me and see a man, in a robe. His hair is messy. His eyes are light blue and his teeth are as white as the color. His beard is nicely trimmed and he's about 6'3. He is a good looking man, but I don't know him. I roll my eyes and push back the fact that maybe he's my mom's Next. Every time my mom gets a boyfriend, I call him Next because they all seem to leave her after they get in bed with her.

"What's your name?" The man speaks.

"Elizabeth," I nod my head as I walk by him and sit back down at the kitchen table.

"My name's Richard," he smiles as he turns over and stands in front of me.

"You look like a Frank," I tell him as I fit a spoon full of Cheerios in my mouth.

"And you look like your mother," he says as he pulls a chair out and sits down in front of me.

"My mother?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow and he nods, "I believe I look like my father."

He scratches his head then rests it on his hand.

"Abigail is a beautiful woman," he smiles.

"Thank you," I blush a little because he did say I look like her. I tilt my head back and finish my bowl.

We stay in silence until I finish washing the bowl and spoon I used.

"So, how was she?" I ask as I lean against the wall.

"Excuse me?" He stands up.

"You heard me, Next," I say as I look straight into his blue eyes.

"I didn't do any of that sort with your mother," he informs me as he walks towards me.

"Right," I nod my head as I roll my eyes.

"You don't believe me?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Not one bit," I scrunch my nose in a playful manner.

"Your mother was upset about what happened with you yesterday," he informs. I feel the instant pinch of guilt in my chest again.

"So she called you over?" I ask as I straighten up from against the wall.

"No, she actually went to my house," he says as he stands in front of me.

"Oh," I say quietly.

"I slept with her, but we didn't do any of that kind of imagination you have in your young brain," he chuckles lightly.

I smile and walk over to the living room. He follows me and sits down on a couch.

"Do you like my mom?" I ask as I sit on the opposite couch.

"Your mother used to be a high school friend of mine," he smiles, dodging the question.

"How was that?" I ask as I keep my eyes, locked to his.

"We used to be in plays together, and whenever she was upset I was always there for her and when I was upset she was there for me. She'd always inform me about what girls to date and which ones not to and I'd do the same for her, but with the guys," he chuckles as he obviously remembers about their past, "Abby is really special to me."

I smile as I hear him talk. His voice is so soothing and full of care. He says every single word like it was just yesterday, with such detail. Seems like him and my mom used to be very close. Maybe even best friends. Something I'll never have..

"If you come to date my mom, please don't hurt her," I say as my eyes soften and his smile grows more loving.

"I would never," he reassures me.

03.17.24 - editing :)

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