Chapter 18

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Francisco's POV

I look into her eyes once more before I lean in to kiss her, then back away from her. She's extremely beautiful, all of her. I've never noticed how long her black hair was, her perfect eyebrows and the way they scrunch together when she's mad. Her eyes flicker when she's interested, she has long lashes that curl at the end. Her nose scrunches up when she's disgusted, and she has the smallest dimples ever that are only noticeable when she laughs.

When I pull away from her, her lips are slightly parted and her eyes are calmly closed. She opens them and gives me smallest smile ever that makes me feel incredible inside. She extends her hand out to me and I grab it, lifting her up. She picks her clothes up from the ground and begins to put them on. I pick up my own clothes and start to put them on. Once I'm done pulling my pants up my legs, Elizabeth walks away to the bench and sits down. I walk over to her as I put my shirt back on.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her once I spot a frown on her face.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking," she nods slowly.

"You don't regret it, do you?" I ask her and she instantly looks up at me.

"No. What, why would I?" She furrows her eyebrows together and frowns.

"I just thought that's what you were thinking," I shrug.

"No," she sighs as she shakes her head.

"Do you want to leave?" I ask as I look around us. It's getting dark.

"Yeah," she nods as she looks down at her hands.

We walk to my car in silence and to be honest, I can't get the thought out of my head that she does in fact regret what happened between us. I don't want her to feel that way. I feel like this moment made our friendship strong and I hope nothing ruins that.

Elizabeth's POV

Yes, of course I regret it.

It was way too soon to have sex with him.

What was I thinking?

I have lost all type of respect for myself.

He probably thinking I'm easy and a slut.


He's going to tell the boys!

This is complete bullshit.

I'm screwed.

They're all going to hate me.

They're all going to think I'm a hoe.

"Where do you want to go now?" He asks as we get back on the road.

"Can you take me home?" I ask, as I look down at my lap and avoid all eye contact with him.

"Sure?" He says, kind of like a question.

I peer up at him but look away before he turns to look at me. He's frowning as he keeps his eyes on the road. I hope he doesn't ask me anything else because I truly don't want to talk about anything we did.

We arrive at my house and he stops the car, and turns to look at me. I give him a small smile as I reach for the door handle. He stops my hand and holds it in between both of his hands.

"Look, I know you feel weird about what happened but you shouldn't," he shakes his head as he stares into my eyes. "We don't have to do this again if you aren't comfortable with it and I promise to never pressure you into doing things that you don't want to do."

I feel my eyes begin to get glossy but I don't want him to see me cry, so I pull hands away and breathe in deeply.

"You're acting weird," I throw in an awkward laugh as I shrug slightly. "We're good, okay?"

"Alright cool," he smiles widely. Wow, boys really are stupid.

I give him one more smile and open the door to his car, I step out and close it behind me. I walk over to my house as he drives off. I feel my chest tighten and I feel my eyes tearing up but I pull myself together as my mom watches me from the doorway.

"Hi," I say as I walk closer to her.

"Hey.." she says awkwardly as she watches me intensely.

"What?" I walk past her and cross the living room, and get to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and grab a red Gatorade. I open it and have in mind to chug it all but my mom snatches it out of my hands before I can get a second gulp.

"Can you stop?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Stop what?" I cross my hands in front of my chest as I rest against the kitchen counter.

"This," she motions her arms down at me and around me. "You're acting weird."

"I'm not being weird!" I raise my voice. "All of you are being weird!"

"Can you shut up," she glares at me as she hands me my Gatorade, "now tell me what has you all worked up."

"I'm not worked up!" I whine.

"STOP YELLING OR I"M GOING TO BACK HAND YOU!" She raised her voice at me and I finally take a seat at the small dinner table.

"Fine, it's my friend," I sigh as she walks over to me and sits in front of me. "I think I like him."

"Why do you say it like it's a bad thing?" She questions. "Is he a trouble maker? 'Cause if so, I don't want him around you."

"It's the guy who came earlier and he was soaking wet," I say as I rest my cheek on my left palm.

"Oh right, what was his name again?" She smiles.

"Francisco," I look down to the white tile floor.

"Oh, he was cute," she pushes my arm lightly.

"Mom, stop!" I whine again.

"Okay, okay," she giggles, "anyways, why do you say that you like him?"

"Because," I gulp, trying to swallow the truth. I can't tell her that we had sex. She'd kill me. "We kissed."

"Is that all you did?" She asks, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Yup," I respond immediately.

"Are you going to tell him?" She asks as she copies my slouching position.

"No, are you crazy?" I frown.

"You're crazy, you should tell him," she gives me a small smile.

"I can't believe you're not mad.." I crack a small smile as I stare into her eyes.

"I can't be mad at you for having feelings," she smiles as she puts her hand on my shoulder, "I thought you were dead inside."

"Um.." I roll my eyes at her.

She's right. I opened up myself to my MOTHER. After how long?

I must have it bad.

Author's Note: Secret message in this chapter hehe. Only one person will realize it. (:


- bobbiewrites xoxo


what was the secret message? I don't even remember it honestly..

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