Chapter 1

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Waiting for my turn to enter the stage I hear my fans screaming "(S/N)!!!!!" I used to be really nervous before performing but now I so used to it. I'm upset that I'm not nervous anymore I loved being nervous since I found that made me more down to earth, other famous idols are still nervous but I think I'm not since I am a werewolf. Even though I'm not nervous I still love performing for my fans. The music of the girls stop and they yell "(S/N) your on!" I nod and head on stage in my new outfit.

 The music of the girls stop and they yell "(S/N) your on!" I nod and head on stage in my new outfit

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I finished my performance with loud cheers from the crowd, I bow and wave while leaving the stage. My manager waiting at the exit comes over and says "(S/N) there are two people at the entrance claiming they are your brothers" I nod and start walking walking out and bowing while saying "thankyou for having me" when I finished I started walking towards the entry before I could reach it I was purposely shoved into by some other performers. Ugh why are there so many jealous girls out there today, they all try and pick fight with me since I'm apparently the best female idol.

I try so hard to hold back my anger breath in and out (y/n) calm thoughts, she then said "your only famous since you sleep with everyone in this business" sh*t I can't handle them I'm gonna loose it. Glaring straight at them I scoff "you don't need to tell me what you do just to meet me" shocked by what I said I walk past her before she could say anything and head to my changing room. Locking the door behind me I look in the mirror at myself, my eyes started changing from (e/c) to bright purples eyes

Squeezing my eyes shut and try to think of everything that calms me, finally my eyes are normal again I waited a bit before leaving the room to walk towards the entrance

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Squeezing my eyes shut and try to think of everything that calms me, finally my eyes are normal again I waited a bit before leaving the room to walk towards the entrance. When I got there I noticed it was them, Namjoon and Jin they finally found me. Walking towards them I tell the security to let them past without talking we all walked back to my changing room.

When we got in I locked the door so no one would walk in at a bad time, I turned to them and smile "well what do you guys want" Namjoon spoke first "well since you succeeded in your dream our parents threw a party for you" for some reason this feels suspicious mum and Dad never wanted me to be an idol just a wolf.


Today was the day I was gonna tell mum and Dad my dream, I never told them before since I new they never were gonna agree, I'm sixteen now and I was recruited into a agency. I went in the room while biting my lip I looked at mum and Dad nervously "mum, Dad I have something to tell you" mum smiled at me somewhat relieving my nervousness and said "what is it sweetie" I put a small smile on my face "I know what I wanna be when I'm older" Dad smiles going into a hug and yells happily "so you wanna be a Luna when your older wonderful" I shake my head smiling at Dad.

"no I wanna be a idol" his smile drop and started to get mad "(y/n) you are not gonna be an idol you might risk people finding out about us!! Plus your wolf is one of the most strongest breed you need to stay with the pack" getting angry my eyes turn purple "so what if I'm a rare breed I'm not you shield for your pack, I just want to be an idol" tears rolling down my eyes I ran out of the room and went into my bedroom. Packing my important stuff like my savings and clothes, I put it in a small bag. I then wrote a letter to my family 'I'm leaving the pack don't look for me' I put it on my desk then jumped out the window and ran into the forest not looking back or regretting I ever left. Making sure no one was around I went behind they tree and took off my clothes. I started to shift, my bones were cracking to shape myself into my wolf form, it used to hurt but as we grow older we get used to it.

 I started to shift, my bones were cracking to shape myself into my wolf form, it used to hurt but as we grow older we get used to it

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I picked up my bag in my mouth and start running towards the city which was a week away if I kept running. I stopped when I saw a muddy puddle and rolled around in it to cover up my scent since I new they would be looking for me.

Time skip

I finally am close to the city, I ran behind the tree and turn back to normal and put nice clothes on. Lucky I saw the pond a bit back there I washed the mud off so I'm clean, walking out of the forest there was a train station nearby, so I caught the train to Seoul.

End Flashback

Two years later they find me and invite me to a party what's with them, before I could reject the invitation Jin steps forward "(y/n) mum and Dad feel bad that's why there having the party, they regret not listening to you so they want to see you to apologise" so they want to apologise if that's the reason I think I should go.

Jungkook's POV

I can't believe she left me I thought we loved each other, then suddenly her mate shows up and she says "sorry Jungkook I loved you but I love him now so please forget me" feeling tears form in my eyes, I try to think of something else. I turn towards the tv and saw (s/n) wow she's really pretty no wonder she the top female idol but I still think IU is better but for some reason I feel more drawn to (s/n) like I need her.

Suddenly the front door slams open jumping at the sound I turn around to see hoseok, jimin and Taehyung. They come jump on the couch next to me and start yelling "are you a fan of (s/n) as well I love her" they all say in unison I shake my head and jimin says smugly "no all he's got on his mind is the girl he fantasises about what's her name IU" blushing I throw a pillow at him "shut up" Taehyung put his face close to me looking in my eyes "Jungkook have you been crying again about her" I quickly shake my head while blushing "no!!" Hoseok throws his arm over my shoulders smiling brightly "come on Jungkook you need to forget her, remember your the packs next alpha" jimin nods in agreement "I know theres a big party where all the packs in the area go to to find a mate this time the party's at the lunar pack house" if I remember correctly they are really close with our pack so it be rude not to go, but I don't wanna find another lover I only love her.

I looked at them and said "I'm only going since it be rude not to go" Taehyung shows his square smile "come on kookie we all know the real reason" I look at him in disgust "don't call me kookie and what I told you is the reason I'm going" I said then got up and went to my room

An idol Werewolf???? (Jungkook fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now