Chapter 6

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My cheeks quickly heat up and I try to hide my face while whispering "umm Jungkook would you be able to let go?"there was a short moment of silence before he said "no you belong between my arms and this is where I want you to be forever" I quickly look up at him.

I quickly get lost in the hurt and lust in his eyes. He trying his best to not push his love onto me but it just hurts him and his wolf, it must be really hard too since he is an alpha. I'm sorry but I can't l—. I wince at the pain in my chest, no don't tell me I'm growing attached to the bond. I'm starting to fall hard for Jungkook.

After what seems like an hour I finally answer with an bashful expression"okay but only for five more minutes" his eyes immediately lit up and he showed his adorable bunny teeth as he pulled me closer into his chest

My stomach was full of butterflies and my heart beating as fast as a bunny, why do I like to make my life more complicated then it already is I'm just gonna end up hurting not only him in the end when I leave but myself as well. As if sensing my sudden change in mood he let's go and takes a step back to look at me with worry in his eyes they glide other me to see if I was hurt.

Why does he have to be like this why couldn't my mate be an actual d*ck so it wouldn't hurt. Why is he so perfect, my mate Jeon Jungkook I love you.

I smile at him "if you don't mind do you wanna practice a dance with me" Jungkook was really confused he stood there for a minute trying to think if he heard you wrong after all you never really approached him since you came here, he quickly nodded happy that he could spend time with you.

After about a couple of hours practicing you two finish the dance, we decided to practice it one more time.

The boy and girl in this video is you and Jungkook

Once we finished we heard clapping surprised I turn around to see who was there. Jimin and Hoseok were dancing really weirdly while cheering for us it was so funny that I couldn't hold back my laughter, after laughing for a minute or so I look up to see they were all watching me.

My face immediately went red, I started to yell "yah! What are you guys looking at!?!!" Hoseok starts "She's so cute" Jungkook then start lowly growling while grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him "mine" they both start laughing while my face just keeps getting darker. Before I could say anything they stop and look at me "oh yeah (Y/N) you got a visitor waiting for you" excited, I start walking out the room assuming one of my brothers had come to visit. When I get to the room I see none other then Yoongi.

Running to him I jump up and hug him "why are you here?" Hugging me back "I haven't seen you for so long and when I finally see you your already gone somewhere else, so I had to call me meet you here" smiling I missed yoongi his was like a brother/best friend we would also hang out when we were younger no matter how tired he was he come out to play with me.

A loud growl soon came from behind me letting go of Yoongi I turn to Jungkook "dude we are just hugging" turning back to Yoongi, I asked "so what have you been up to recently?" He stopped looked at me and showed his gummy smile "well I been recently getting into producing and rap" "Wow you've got to show me some of your songs let's go to my room so you can play it in my speakers" I grab Yoongi's hand and start walking towards my room, taking a glimpse back at Jungkook I see Yoongi was smirking at Jungkook. Why was he doing that?.

Jungkook POV

After dancing with (Y/N) the felt like we grew closer me and my wolf were enjoying her smile, Jimin and Hoseok came in and started being there weird selves but I didn't care all that was in my view was her. She suddenly started doing the most gorgeous laugh I've ever heard oh how I wish she would never stop. She yelled "yah what are you looking at!?!!" "She's so cute" as the words came out I immediately pulled (Y/N) into my chest growling "mine".

They then told her she had a visitor, curious of the guest I follow slowly behind her, once she got to the room she ran to the person giving them a hug, I thought it was one of her brothers until I pulled my eyes from (Y/N) to look at him. Immediately growling the both stop hugging and turn to me "dude we're just hugging" turning back around she starts a conversation with him. Upset she's giving me so little time I begin glaring at Yoongi, suddenly (Y/N) grabs his hands and starts heading towards her room well ours. He turned to me and was smirking like he won her, my anger slowly building higher and higher.

Yoongi POV

(Y/N) was holding my hand, we even hugged before I'm so happy she may not realise I like her like that but I will tell her when I thinks she's ready to love me back. My little crush suddenly grew when I was younger everyday we would play until she left, I was trying so hard to find her until one day when she popped up on the tv. My crush then formed into a little obsession and I would buy every thing of her merch. I knew we wouldn't meet again but she actually came to the ball, I was so happy to see her walk down those stairs. I slowly followed behind until she stopped at the beverage table, we had our conversation and then she suddenly got snatched from me again. So I had to find her, and now we are heading towards her room.

My love you will be mine soon

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry about the wait for the chapter, writers block really got to me and I hate posting chapters that have less then 1000 words so I hope you like it

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