Chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV

It's finally the day of the party, I get into see my parents apologise to me they are even going to congratulate me, it was morning and I just had my breakfast, I have already left Seoul with the stuff I need and am a couple hours away from my parents home, I will be staying at our spare house since I don't want to meet them till the party.

They also don't know I here cause I told my brothers not to tell them so they don't try and visit me before the party. Walking upstairs I have a shower then do my make up and put on my dress.

The party starts at 8pm and it was 6pm now I decided to leave now since it took awhile about 2 hours and 40 minutes to get there, I don't really wanna be there early plus it's only gonna be 8:40 when I get there in not gonna be that late

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The party starts at 8pm and it was 6pm now I decided to leave now since it took awhile about 2 hours and 40 minutes to get there, I don't really wanna be there early plus it's only gonna be 8:40 when I get there in not gonna be that late. I get in the car and start driving to the party.

When I got there Namjoon and Jin were out the front waiting for me. Since no one else was out the front guess I'm the last person to show up, getting out of the car I walk up to them and smile "hey you guys wait long" the shook there head then say in unison "(y/n) you look so pretty I can't believe my little sis already grew up with out us" I nod "well you guys also look really good in your suits" we all smiled and we walk in as we walk down the hall we came to the door to the party.

 Since no one else was out the front guess I'm the last person to show up, getting out of the car I walk up to them and smile "hey you guys wait long" the shook there head then say in unison "(y/n) you look so pretty I can't believe my little sis ...

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As we open the door to the party we were at the top of the stairs. There were many other entrances but my brothers said I had to go through this on since I'm the thing of the party. They walked down first getting attention from most of the girls, once they reached the bottom of the stairs they looked back to the door waiting for me to walk down to them. As I started to walk I heard there loud whispers "she looks familiar where have I seen her before" they were all the same sort of whispers until I heard "wait isn't that (s/n)" everyone looks at me and yells "omg it's (s/n) what is she doing here, is she a werewolf" once I reached the bottom of the stairs most of them started to surround me but not get to close I smiled at them and said "hi I'm sorry but can we talk later I need to see my parents" they all moved out of our way as we headed towards my parents.

Jungkook's POV

Standing with Hoseok, jimin and Taehyung we were chatting until the music stopped and the lights were on the stair well we all watched as the guys walk down about halfway down all the guys lost interest and started to talk again. I turned back to jimin and started talking until I saw jimin hoseok and Taehyung looking in awe at the stair case I turn around to see an angel walking down the stairs, my heart was beating faster and my eyes were sparkling and my wolf wanted to run over there and pin her down.

Then everyone started whispering "she looks familiar" I looked at her she does but where have I seen her, I was thinking to myself until I heard Taehyung yell "wait isn't she (s/n)" I look back at her omg it is her what is she doing at a werewolf party. Once she made it down I quickly make my way towards her but I was to late I was at the back of the crowd, letting out a low growl a couple of people turn around to see me and start to shift out of the way.

While making my way closer pushing through the swarm of people around her I was about to call out to her until she did the cutest smile I've ever seen and said "hi I'm sorry but can we talk later I need to see my parents" instantly I shut my mouth while they all made way and watch her walk towards the Lunar Pack Alpha and Luna with the two men behind her. Growling again I don't want them next to her she my mate they need to move away.

(Y/n) POV

Somethings wrong why are my senses really weird I feel my heart rate speeding up, I think I'm just nervous to see them after 2 years. I walk up smiling at then and say "I heard you were going to apologise to me" They look at me and shake there heads "no we invited you, so you could find your mate that's what this party for" I growled at them "I don't need a mate I am an idol, I should have known better then to trust you guys" there eyes both start glowing I knew they were angry then mom said "well since your here stay and meet men if you don't find your mate here we will give up and leave you alone" I glared at them then turned around "I stay for about an hour or so then leave" I want to make up with them but I can't they just think of me as a shield.

I walk over to the drink bar exhausted from all the chatting, when a familiar voice says "you look tired, I thought that was supposed to be my thing" I looked around knowing exactly who it was "Yoongi I haven't seen you in a long time" I smiled excitedly and hugged him. I heard a growl from the crowd confused I looked around, I must've heard things.

I look back at suga and we start talking about the time we spent together, until I heard a cough behind me. Turning around to looking at the man my heart instantly started racing and my wolf yelling 'Mate! Mate! My Mate!' No no no sh*t, i back away and awkwardly smile at him until he huskily said "my name is Jungkook and what's your name Mate" as he said it mum and Dad heard and speed walked over here. Look I know we can hear well but seriously they were at the other side of the room how can they hear that.

When they got to me mum hugged me and Dad asked him questions "what's your pack and status in it" i internally face palm myself I wanna get out of here right now my wolf is going crazy as I was getting mums hands off me he replied " my pack is Scarlet Moon and I am soon to be Alpha" with that they both started jumping and said "yes (y/n) can finally be a Luna" I finally shake mums hands off me and go to walk away but before I could he grabs my hands and asked "where are you going?" I turn around and said "back to Seoul" he frowned "why you just found your mate, me" I shake his hands off.

I look at him then glare at my parents "my parents tricked me into coming I never wanted to find my mate in the first place" he now looked like he was on the verge of tears "why don't you want a mate" i started to get angry at the stupid questions but my wolf was sad "i am an idol, idols don't date they perform, I can't love you" I shook his hands off and was about to walk off until my parent yell "(Y/N)!!!!! Stop we informed your agency that you will be having a break from being an idol for a year" I stopped and turned around and glared at mum and Dad my eyes their changing colour.

The on lookers gasped and start saying "she a celestial wolf, I thought they were extinct" I walked up to my parents "why was it that I'm the only one with purple eyes in the pack mum, Dad why are your yellow while mine purple are you guys even my parents" they looked at me sad "we found you when you were only a little cub you were abandoned next to a lake so we decided to raise you as our own" of course I was different why didn't I notice when they said I was a rare species when they both didn't have purple eyes, I'm an idiot.

I looked at them my eyes back to normal feeling my eyes start to tear up "I'll stay here for a year then Im leaving if you need me I'll be in my old room, don't bother me for a bit I wanna be alone".

Jungkook's POV

Me and my wolf were heartbroken as we watch (y/n) walk up stairs and leave, I just found her but I can't have her?. She looked like she was about to cry, I miss her already. I kept staring until I heard "Jungkook when she's asleep you will take her back to your pack house and she will live with you" I turn towards her parents and nod "I will take care of my mate" they smile and I went to walk to her room until someone grabbed my shoulder "I can't believe your her mate I obviously love her more then you, why can't it be me" this is the guy she hugged earlier, I hate him. I growled then shook off his hand and kept walking.

An idol Werewolf???? (Jungkook fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now