Chapter 11

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I was finally able to spit out "how did I get here?!?!". His smirk only growing wider "oh you know the same old, same old" while twirling a whistle around his finger. My eyes darting to the whistle, while biting down on my lips 'it had to f*cking be the dog whistle'.

Noticing where my eyes were he laughed and started to clap "congratulations your a lot smarter then I thought you were, though I know our time together was a bit of a blur for you. But I guess deep down your body still knows what's in control" I grit my teeth realising he must have trained me with torture and that whistle otherwise how could he have gotten me out of the pack house. "Yes I did use this whistle to get you outside and away from your mate while you were asleep, I was happy to see you coming straight away and once you were in position we captured you quick and easy".

My growls continued to rise, my eyes slowly changing from anger. 'I was finally happy with Jungkook and he had to ruin my time, I might not be able to see Jungkook ever again'. He starts to walk towards me and place his hand on my cheek " be careful (Y/N) you wouldn't want another repeat of what happened with your old pack" he then quickly drags his nail down my cheek causing it to lightly bleed. My face goes pale 'It hit me like a ton of bricks if he could do that to my family and pack what could stop him from doing it to my mate, my family and my pack'.

Dropping his hand, he begins to run his fingers through his hair after turning around to walk out "it seems you finally understand the situation, I will be back to check later" just before he closes the door on his way out, he turns to me with a wickedly cruel smile "I hope you will remember our time together a bit more" and the door was shut. I finally let my tears drop as I weep silently 'Jungkook I need you'.

Jungkook POV

Tear begin to spill from my eyes as I hear a faint whisper in the back of my head 'Jungkook I need you' I punch the wall and lean my head against it "ugh (Y/N) I can't take it anymore because you are crying, I want to cry in your place, although I can't" I then slide down the walls onto my knees, drowning in my thoughts of her.

I eventually get up 'if I want to help her I should be trying to find her scent not sit here and be sad about her pain'. I mindlink my pack 'everyone gather out the front'. I start to head towards the front door, soon realising there were scents that is not from my pack. I now running once out the door I see (Y/N)'s old pack. Confused I look a Taehyung and he just smiles while laughing "ehe hehe"

After he finished his laughing because of my confused look he smiles "Jungkook-ah they contacted me to help since they are all worried about (Y/N) as well" nodding my head. I decide to have a discussion with (Y/N)'s parents and we decide to spread out to look harder for any unfamiliar tracks or scents we've might've missed before.


Blankly staring at the floor, this once somewhat unfamiliar sight began to slowly grow into the most familiar thing 'no I shouldn't be getting used to this, I should try and find a way out' I look up only to see that familiar little girl in my dreams. She steps towards me "(Y/N) you know there's no way out" I shake my head furiously "no there should be and there is I got out before right!?!"  The little girl, no little me begins cry red tears. "I only got out because of him!!!" Confused who?. Suddenly she was right in front of me she brings up both her hands to cover my eyes "I want you to remember everything (Y/N) I shouldn't be the only one to remember this pain in my heart!".

The shadows began to cover me as I black out.


I slowly open my eyes and start to look at my surroundings only to spot a boy next to me also tied to chair. I tilted my head confused at his sudden appearance. He turns smiling "(Y/N) it's gonna be alright, I'm gonna protect you like I always have" I immediately start crying out "but oppa how can you protect with your leg like that" I began sobbing hard 'who is this boy? Oppa? I wish I could ask but I don't understand why I feel extremely sad looking at him'.

He gives me a soft smile " (Y/N) no matter what as the older twin brother I need to protect you, even if I might currently look like this" I gasp 'I can't believe I forgot about him, Park Seojoon my twin brother' I can't stop as every memory of mine of him comes flooding in he was with me the entire time I was captured. "Please stop" I speak to my younger self "please I remembered what happens next so please don't show me again please" the scene continues to unfold as she ignores me, crying while watching Seojoon.1

That man comes in and he begins to approach me "now now it's your turn sweetie" Seojoon begins to growl loudly "don't you dare touch her!!" The man ignores him and continues to take me out of my chair and start to drag me to the table "oppa! Seojoon oppa! I want my oppa!!!" As the man turns around to hit me. I shut my eyes to brace for impact. Not feeling any sort of pain I open my eyes to see Seojoon in his wolf form pining him to the ground he mindlinked me '(Y/N) run now I'll meet you soon ok it's gonna be alright' I begin to run out the door.

Flashback ends

Tears flow silently down my face, how could I live so happily forgetting my family and even my twin brother Seojoon. I choke, I start to hear footsteps i try to control my tears but it was meaningless, he step in and rage, rage consumed me my eyes turned while tears were still running out. I began to start shaking to try and get out to kill him for what he had done. " looks like you remember everything now" his smirk grew as much as my distaste for him in that second." Oh what was his name again? Hmm oppa? Ah I got it Seojoon" I yanked at the chains so hard I heard something crack "don't you dare say his name ever again!!" "Oh are you a bit touchy about the subject" he begins to laugh like a maniac.

Hey guys thanks for reading the book should be finished very soon

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