Chapter 8

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Opening my eyes to Jungkook sobbing, broke me I'll never leave him but I just can't act like nothing happened. I finally muster out "I don't hate you" Jungkook's pleading eyes watch mine. Looking away from him I look at my hand that is in his and gently try to pull it out of his.

Jungkook noticing my actions slowly releasing his grip, I couldn't look into his eyes. I knew their would be fear and hurt in his eyes, I won't be able to handle seeing it. My hand now feeling particularly empty and cold, I bring it closer to my body so I don't have the urge to grab his hand again. I finally look into Jungkook's eyes I gain the courage to spit out "I'm sorry but would I be able to be alone for a while" the pain in my heart increasing as each second passed. I'm sorry it hurts but I just can't at the moment, sudden disturbing images going on repeat in my head. Who is that little girl??.

The little girls POV

I'm scared, so scared mommy, daddy where are you. Walking deeper into the forest remembering that they said they would come back for me and told me to keep going this way. Why are they taking so long, remembering the fire at the pack house. Why was there a fire?? Why did they leave me here, as I continued to walk I heard the leaves crunching behind me. My eyes light up they're here, Yay. I smell the air wanting to catch my parents sweet scent, catching mommy's I immediately start bolt toward her.

Finally seeing her figure with a couple of strangers I run up and hug her legs. Suddenly she fell to the ground, what's going on. Tears prickling my eyes "mommy wake up please wake up" nudging her slightly and no movement my tears now balling looking at each bruises and cut on her body with her neck bended weirdly "MOMMY!!!!" Suddenly hands wrap around my mouth as I try to shake them off. "I told you this would work pups will always run to their mum, it's lucky her body is still fresh other wise she would've known" they killed her, they did that to mommy.

Biting his hand hard enough that he let go, I start bolting deeper into the woods. Their howls getting closer behind me. Finding a tree with a hidden spot under the roots, I quickly bury myself under the leaves and listen to them stopping. "You know we are just gonna find you, we can smell you" ending with a laugh, his friend turns to him "instead how about we get her to come to us". "Why don't we tell won't happened to your mom, we simply had our way with her in front of her mate then killed him in front of her then we snapped her neck" they both bursted out laughing.

Daddy's gone too. A single tear sliding down my cheek my beautiful memories of my parents going through my mind and as if something just snapped, I jump out from the borrow eyes bright as day I shift for the first time. Tearing them apart as it was nothing, my rage consuming me. When I finally calmed down, I was covered in the blood of my parents killers. Their corpses in pieces scattered, "what did I do, I'm not like them,I'm not like them I did it for mom and dad I'm not a killer." A whisper coming from behind me "yes only a true killer could play this much with their victims bodies" turning behind me a dark shadow stood there with gleaming red eyes.

"I'd advise you to come with me while I just asking".


My head hurts so bad, who was that girl. She's covered head to toe in the blood of the people she murdered, what happened to her to make her do that? . Her image not leaving my head especially her empty eyes as if she had lost it all. A hand on my shoulder snapping me out of thought, turning to Jungkook. I understand why I was scared of Jungkook, that girl is so scary, i might not know who she is but I hope I won't have to see her.

I was still confused, who was she???, why did she??? Maybe the days we are apart I can think.

Jungkook's POV

I agreed I would keep my distance from her though it hurts I just had to see if she was alright. She suddenly was lost in thought but her reactions started to get really intense her eyes were glowing and she was shaking. What was doing this to her??. I wanted to straight out hug her but I can't, so I cautiously put my hand on her shoulder.

She immediately breaks thought and is staring at me again. What happened I was curious as to see what was hurting her but I can't, I promised to give her space until she was alright.

We leave the packs hospital with me walking at least two steps in front on her leading her to a small cottage a bit away from the pack house. Even though we weren't that far apart, I still felt lonely I missed her by my side.


I've never really paid attention to my surroundings but there wasn't just the pack house there was all these little cottages spaced out around the area. Guessing they were for families and mates who wanted to be alone.

I continue to look around at my surroundings curiously while walking. I suddenly meet his back as I ram straight into him, not realising he had stopped. Rubbing my nose I look up to see Jungkook looking at me worrying. I feel so bad he probably thinks that I am hurt again because of him. I quickly smile, "it's okay I got abit distracted with my surroundings I forgot there was someone in front of me" laughing awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck.

He suddenly smiles and points at the cottage we stopped in front of "you can stay here till you want to see me again" obvious pain seeping through his eyes. Jungkook I'm sorry.

Soooooo >_< how was it, are you a bit confused with what's going on??, don't worry it hopefully should be remembered and explained by (Y/N) in the next chapter

See you then ^~^

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