Tom? Tord?

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It had been a few days since we went to the mueseum, and Tord was back. I made everyone pancakes, then went out to get some things from the store.

"Milk, Fanta, cola, Smirnoff, mirror, foods, cool got all of it!" I walk up to the counter and pay for it all. I get in Matts car, Wich he let me drive, god bless him. When I got home, I walked in and dropped the groceries. I nearly screamed but Eddie put his hand over my mouth.

"E-Eddie.... that....." I asked. There, was what seemed to be Tom and Tord merged.

"Yea..." Suddenly, I looked at this in a good way. A fandom way.

"THEYRE CRYSTAL GEMSSSS!!" I said swinging my hands into the air fistbumping nothing.

"What?" They all asked. I gasped and put my hand to my chest.

"YOU DONT KNOW STEVEN UNIVERSE!!?? TO THE TV!!!!!!" I ran to the tv and put on Steven universe.

One bing watching marathon later

"Anyway, how did this happen?" I asked tom err.. Tor- uhhhmmm... :O TORM!!

"Well, Tord asked me if he could talk to me, we went out-" Tom started.

"Andthensomeyhingfellonusandwemergedtogether!" Tord finished.

"Eddie. They're. Torm." I whisper.


"NO FUCKING WAY!" I scream. (Rip tomtord to shreddddds)

"FAIR ENOUGH!" We sit down and torm and Matt just stare at us.

"Forggedaboutit" We say.

"Well Ima go read some heeeeeeeeeeeee uh... books......." Torm sweatdropped.

"He means henta-"

"NOIDONT!" I get up, walk over to torm, and push him to his room.

"You just uh.. do your....thing." And then I walk off and fall, fa wanting into the couch.

"The swat team is trying to contain the apocalypse-"

"APOCALYPSE!" I scream and sit up. On the to was a news report on a zombie apocalypse.

"OMYGOSHYESSSHAVETOGOOUTTHEREANDSEEHOWLONGWESURVIVE!!!!!!" I scream. Ooo the zombie song! Great now it's stuck in my head. I start humming the zombie song as I go upstairs to ask torm if I can borrow a gun.


"ZOMBIE APOCALYPSEEEEEEE" I scream and grab a shotgun. I open a window, and load the gun.

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