~Beyonce Shows Up To Your Party~

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You are in the basement of your home. No one lives with you. You live by yourself. But that doesn't mean that you stay lonely like a fucking hermit. Hell no...

You host the best parties in the neighborhood. And tonight is no exception. You decided to throw a spring break bash with drinks. Everyone's going to be at this party and you honestly couldn't wait.

Just as you were finishing getting everything, including yourself, ready...

*doorbell rings*

"Hold on," you yell, putting on your stiletto heels. 

Rushing down the stairs, you stop to check yourself one last time then you open the door. All of the guests were here with food and drinks.

"Ayeee Y/N," they shouted, smiling and cheering.

"Ayeee, come on in. Put the drinks and food on the big table," you said.

Everyone comes pouring in and when the last person is inside, you close the door behind you and locked the door.

"Let's party," you shouted, everyone else cheering loudly in response.

Moments later...

The party was LIT and everyone was having a good time. Endless food, endless drinks. And you also had endless gifts waiting to be opened. Most of them you knew were money. Then the music stopped abruptly and you frowned, walking towards the front. Everyone else but you knew what was going to happen next.

"What the hell is-"

"Ayeee I would just like to say Happy Birthday to Y/N," the DJ said into the mic.

Everyone cheered loud, saying happy birthday. Which made you blush. You never celebrated your birthday because you never really cared about it. To you, it was just another day. But boy was it about to be anything but just another day...

"We have a surprise for you, Y/N. Everyone please look towards the front door and let's give a big warm round of applause for Y/N's favorite singer and the Queen... BEYONCE!!!"

Your eyes grew big as you covered your mouth, seeing the Queen B walk into the house. Not just any house, but YOUR house. Everyone cheered loud as Beyonce made her way towards the front, shaking hands and giving hugs along the way. Once she got to the front, she walked up to you and gave you a big hug. Your emotions got over you as you hugged her back and cried tears of joy.

"AWWWWW," everyone said, cheering and clapping.

Beyonce looked at you and wiped your tears away, "Happy birthday my love..."

All you could say was, "Thank you..."

She smiled as she wrapped an arm around your waist, grabbing a microphone.

"Everybody help me sing happy birthday to Y/N on the count of three. One... two... three!"

As everyone started to sing happy birthday, the DJ brought out your cake and you couldn't help but cry more happy tears. This day always brought you sad memories but today made good memories. And you couldn't be happier. Once they were done singing, Beyonce wiped your tears away and smiled at you.

"Make a wish and blow out the candles," she said.

Closing your eyes, you made a wish and blew out all the candles. Everyone cheered loudly and you smiled, giving Beyonce a huge hug again. 

"Thank you so much. This is the best birthday ever..."


"Bye Y/N, happy birthday!"

You smiled and waved as everyone left to go home. You walked back in your house and closed the door, sighing in relief. You thought that everyone had left. But there was only one person left. As you looked up, you realized that Beyonce was still in your house. You had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. And you weren't.

"Hey there, awesome party."

You just smiled at her and sat down, reliving tonight's events. Beyonce grabbed a pen and paper, writing something down on it. Once she was done, she grabbed your hand and placed the paper in it. Opening up your hand, you looked at the paper and was in shock. On the piece of paper was Beyonce's number and address.

"Text me so we can talk.. my address is there too if you want to come over and hang out. I can't wait to see you again," she said, smiling shyly.

She kissed your cheek and headed out, closing the door. Leaving you just standing there, in pure utter shock.

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