~Prank Gone Wrong~

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"Okay baby, I'm going to work now. You want me to bring back some food," you asked her, putting on your blazer.

She set up the camera and stood back, making sure the angle was right.

"Okay hey BeyHive, it's your girl B. And I'm here to prank my girlfriend, Y/N. I am going to do a dead girlfriend prank. She's out at work right now and I have this fake blood and a knife so I'm going to make it look like someone came in and killed me... hopefully this goes well..."

Beyonce set up another camera in the front and in the bedroom. Of course, they were hidden. She came back in the room and poured blood around her and covered the knife with the blood too. Once she was done, she picked up her phone and called your phone.

"Hello," you answered.

"Baby," she said.

You frowned and sat down in your office. Noticing her voice, you knew that something was wrong. 

"Bey... what's wrong," you asked.

Beyonce had the phone on speaker and was acting her ass off, "Baby I think someone is in the house...."

You heard the door slam open followed by Beyonce screaming and crying. Panicking, you grabbed all of your things and rushed to your car, never hanging up.

"Baby just stay on the phone with me and I'll be home soon..."

"Baby please h-"

The phone cuts off and you cursed, punching the steering wheel. Hitting your feet on the gas, you sped home hoping and praying that: 1) she was okay. and 2) you didn't get pulled over. Once you reached home, you saw the door wide open which made your heart start pounding even more. You got out the car and rushed inside.

"BEYONCE," you called out, panic setting into your voice.

No answer. You walked around the main floor and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"BABY WHERE ARE YOU," you called out again, getting even more worried.

You walked up the stairs and as you got to the top step, you saw a trail of blood. Your heart dropped and you started breathing heavily. You followed the trail of blood into the bedroom you and Beyonce shared. That's when you saw her. Lying in a pool of blood, a knife laying near her.

"BABY NOOOO," you screamed, running to her side.

You held her head into your lap and hugged it. You started sobbing harder than you ever had before, the blood getting on your clothes.

"Baby please wake up," you sobbed.

You tried shaking her and checking her pulse, but she didn't wake up. And that made you cry even more. You started sobbing even harder and backed up against a wall, not believing it. As you sobbed, Beyonce looked over at you and instantly ran over to you.

"Baby, baby... I'm right here, it was just a prank..."

Shaking your head, you sobbed even harder and breathing irregular. She sat in front of you and laid your head in her chest, rubbing your back. Beyonce knew you never showed emotion, but she didn't know that you were this sensitive and she felt really guilty.

"Baby, I'm sorry it was just a prank. I'm alive baby see. The blood is fake," she said, trying to calm you down.

But you looked at her, still crying and breathing heavily. She looked in your eyes and sighed.

"Shit," she cursed to herself.

She sat you up and rubbed your back, never letting you go.

"Baby, breathe... breathe baby..."

You started getting your breathing back to normal then you turned to her, "W-why would you d-d-do that?"

Beyonce sighed, "I wanted to prank you, but I didn't think you were going to react like this.. I'm sorry baby."

You nodded and hugged her tightly, "That scared the shit out of me..."

Beyonce looked down at you and kissed your lips passionately, "I know baby, but I'm not going anywhere..."

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