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"Here baby, take your medicine..."

Shaking your head, you pushed it away from your mouth and sighed. Placing a shaky hand on your head, you rubbed it wishing what was there could come back. The cancer has now spread throughout your body and the doctors gave you 1 month to live. But, of course, you beat those odds. 

That was a year ago. A year ago they gave you that news. At first, you didn't want to believe it. You were angry. Angry at the world, angry at yourself, angry with your wife Beyonce... even angry at God. But you knew that God made no mistakes and you've came to realize that maybe God needs you more than this Earth does.

But that made you worry. Who would be here with Beyonce when I'm gone? She doesn't deserve to be alone, I can't leave her.

You turn to your wife and watch her intently. You could tell that this has been eating at her and you couldn't help but feel bad. She knew that you didn't have much longer yet and she has yet to come to terms with it.

"Baby listen to me," she said.

She held your cold hands in her warm ones and squeezed it softly, making sure you aren't hurt.

"I know you've been hanging on for me and I truly appreciate that. But... if you're tired, it's okay. I am at peace with it now. I will be alright. I don't want you to suffer any longer..."

Beyonce looked down and closed her eyes, feeling the tears roll down her cheeks. You mustered up the strength to pull her into a hug, while rubbing her back. After a few minutes, you two pulled away and looked at each other.

"Baby... *cough* can you do... one last thing for me," you whispered, feeling your body begin to give out.

She nodded, "Anything..."

"Sing... Heaven for me.. I want your voice to be the last thing I hear," you whispered again, laying your head on her chest.

Beyonce sighed a little and positioned herself, holding you in her arms. She started to sing Heaven while looking straight in your eyes. You smiled weakly and watched her for a moment. As she was singing the end of the song, you started to feel tired.

"Baby I'm going to take a nap now... promise me you'll be okay..."

Beyonce nodded and more tears fell from her eyes, "I... promise baby... I love you..."

You smile at her weakly, "I love you too..."

Beyonce watched as you closed your eyes and took your last breath. She held you in her arms and sobbed. She wished it was her; she wished she could take your place. She didn't know how she was going to move on in life without you. A piece of her died with you.

You were her life, and you always will be.

Beyonce Imagines (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now