~Beyonce Has A Panic Attack~

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You and Beyonce were in the private jet, that hasn't taken off yet. You two were on your way to LA for the BET Awards (*cough* BEY Awards). You didn't mind taking the jet, but Beyonce didn't want to. 

"Baby let's just tell them we can't make it," said Beyonce, secretly hoping that you would agree with her.

You look at her and smile shaking your head, "Nice try, babe. But we're going so just stop trying to change my mind..."

Beyonce pouted and crossed her arms across her chest, making you giggle. The jet's engine started to rumble and Beyonce jumped, grabbing your hand. You raise an eyebrow while looking at her.

"You're squeezing my hand to death babe... can I have it back," you joked with her.

But she was not paying attention. As the jet moved, she started breathing heavily and she closed her eyes tight. You frowned and turned her so she was facing you. 

"Baby," you called out.

The jet sped down the runway faster and Beyonce screamed, holding onto you. Then, you realized that she was scared of heights and that she was about to have a panic attack. You had to do something to help take her mind off of it, but you didn't know what.

"Baby it's okay, I'm right here with you..."

She opened her eyes and slowly turned to look out the window. The jet started to lean backwards as it started to go up higher and higher into the sky, which made her panic even more. She clutched her chest while gasping for air, tears flowing down her face.

"Baby... baby, calm down... breathe," you said, holding her in your arms.

She started crying while shaking and still trying to breathe. Looking around frantically, you managed to find a oxygen mask that was hooked up to a oxygen tank. Grabbing the mask, you placed it over her face.

"Breathe deep breaths baby..."

She started listening to you and a few minutes later, her breathing started to return to normal. Looking down, you saw that she had fell asleep. Sighing you took the mask off of her face and held her closer to you.

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