~Beyonce Asks You Out~

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"Hey Y/N it's B," she said over the phone.

"Hey B, what's up?"

You heard noise in the background and assumed she was driving somewhere. But you wondered where she was going?

"Nothing just letting you know that I'm headed your way. Text me your address.."

You smiled big and nodded as if she was standing right in front of you, "Okay, see you in a bit."

Beyonce hung up the phone and you did the same. You couldn't help but jump around and scream in excitement. But you couldn't do that for long because you had to get dressed. So, you ran upstairs and took a quick shower. Once you were done, you hopped out and decided to put on this outfit:

 Once you were done, you hopped out and decided to put on this outfit:

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You looked in the mirror, taking one last look at yourself. Lately, you've been struggling with self confidence. In your mind, you always pointed out something that you didn't like about yourself. 

"Well hopefully I don't look a mess in front of her," you muttered.

Just as you headed downstairs, the doorbell rings. You opened the door and there she was. Just standing there, looking gorgeous as ever. 

                                                                                        (Bey's outfit)

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                                                                                        (Bey's outfit)

"Hey Y/N," she said, smiling big.

"Hey B, come in..."

She walks inside as you close the door, locking it. Beyonce walks around, looking at things. 

"I like your house," she said, sitting down on the couch.

Smiling a little, you sit down beside her and look towards her. You couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous features. From her blonde hair, to her gorgeous hazel eyes, to her nice soft lips. You shook your head, while smiling at her. 

Beyonce looked back at you, trying to figure out what you were thinking about.

"Is there something on my face," she asked, wiping her face.

Chuckling, you shake your head no and reach for the television remote. Once the t.v. came on, nothing but the sounds of the television could be heard. Neither you or Beyonce said anything for awhile, and it was starting to become awkward. And quite frankly, annoying.

"So, tell me about yourself..."

You spent the next 15 minutes talking about your life. Leaving the most traumatic parts out. You didn't mention your parents or what happened to them. That was a sore subject. You didn't talk about your abusive relationship that you just got out of. That too, was a sore subject. Beyonce noticed that you didn't mention any of those things, but she decided not to mention it. For now.

Hours passed and you two are laughing at what was on the television. It was almost 10 p.m and you both were having a lot of fun together. Beyonce yawned and got up, grabbing her jacket and keys.

"Looks like I'll be heading home now. I had an awesome time with you tonight," she said, smiling a bit.

You smiled a little, but was very sad to see her leave. You never had much company here and having her here was a breath of fresh air. As she was leaving out, she turned around and walked back towards you.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me," she said.

"Like on a date," you responded back with a question.

She blushed three shades of red and couldn't help but smile, "Yeah.. a date.."

You smirked a little then smiled bigger, nodding. She smiled big and giggled, hugging you close.

"Okay, I will let you know when the date is. Just dress casual for it though. See you soon," she said, waving and walking to her car.

Smiling back, you waved as she drove off. Once you walked inside and closed the door, you couldn't help but scream and squeal in excitement.

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