~You Get The Flu~

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~7:00 AM~

You felt someone trying to wake you up, but you didn't want to wake up. Out of nowhere, you started feeling bad last night and you have yet to tell your girlfriend, Beyonce. 

You didn't want to tell her because she already had a lot of stuff going on with her music and ivy park getting ready to launch. So, Beyonce has been going to a lot of meetings lately. Which you didn't mind, but at times you felt lonely. 

"Baby," a soft voice called out.

You didn't budge.

"Baaaaabyyyy," the soft voice said again, in a sing song type of tone.

You groan and laid on your back, your eyes halfway open. You were looking into the eyes of your girlfriend, who was staring back at you.

"Good morning sleepy head," she said, giggling.

You just nodded and sat up, feeling and looking miserable. Beyonce frowned a little and sat in front of you. She placed a hand on your forehead.

"You're a little warm baby. Maybe its because you had all them covers last night..."

You shrugged and forced yourself to get up. Once you stood on your two feet, you put on some clothes and headed for the stairs. As you headed for the stairs, a strong wave of nausea came full force. Tightly grasping the railing, you stood still. Waiting for the feeling to go away. As Beyonce walked out the room, she saw you standing there and came towards you.

"What's wrong baby," she asked, lightly rubbing your back.

Shaking your head, you kissed her hand and went downstairs. Beyonce walked with you and noticed that you were trembling. And it was starting to scare her a little. Once you two got to the bottom of the steps, the nausea went away. And you felt a little better.

"What do you want for breakfast babe," you asked her, heading slowly to the kitchen.

She walked behind you and followed to the kitchen, "The usual..."

Nodding, you started cooking. As you were cooking, the nausea returned. But this time, it got worse. You moaned in pain as a pounding migraine started up. Rubbing your head, you finished up breakfast and gave her a plate.

"Here," you said, sitting down across from her.

She smiled a little and started eating. You decided that the nausea and migraine was due to you not putting anything on your stomach. So you started to eat. But as soon as you did, you immediately regretted it. You felt everything that you had just eaten slowly starting to come back up. Which scared you. 

Beyonce looked up and saw that your face had turned pale white and immediately sat in front of you. She checked your forehead again and this time it was burning up. She stood you up and tried to get you to walk to the nearest bathroom.

"Baby, come on... I gotta get you to the bathroom..."

You started shaking your head furiously, panicking. Beyonce knows that you have a fear of throwing up. The thought of it petrified you. But you felt like if you didn't get to that bathroom sooner, your stomach contents will end up on you; along with her and the floor. So, you walked with her to the bathroom and she lifted up the seat.

"I can't," you said, with tears filling your eyes.

"Baby girl, if you have to... then do it... don't hold it in because it will make it worse.."

As soon as she said that, you dropped to your knees and started throwing up. She held your hair back and started rubbing your back as you finished. As you were finishing up, you started crying. Once you were done, she flushed the toilet and sat you against the wall.

"Baby don't cry... it's okay... it's all over," she said, trying to calm you down.

Grabbing a cup of water, she held it up to your mouth. You drunk it and started swishing it in your mouth, rinsing all the bad germs. You spit it out and sighed, closing your eyes. Beyonce cleaned up and carried you to the couch. Which shocked you. When she walked off, you started crying again. Which scared Beyonce because that's something you never did. She came back a minute later with crackers, a trash can, and ginger ale.

"Get some rest baby... I'll be right here when you wake up," said Beyonce, rubbing your belly.

Nodding, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

~A few hours later~

You woke up to your stomach hurting badly. Sitting up, you clutched your stomach as you felt the nausea return. Oh no not again, you thought. Beyonce returned with a cup of water and saw you sitting up.

"You alright," she asked, her face full of concern.

You shake your head and started taking deep breaths, staring at her. She kneeled down in front of you and rubbed the sweat that was on your face.

"Baby you might have the stomach flu..."

You got up and rushed to the bathroom. Pulling your pants and undies off, you sat down on the toilet and did what you had to do. While you were on the toilet, you started throwing up. At the same time. Which made you cry hard. Beyonce came to the bathroom door and her heart broke. Seeing you like this almost made her cry, too. But she had to be strong. So, she got a towel and wiped up the floor. 

"You done baby," she said, looking at you concerned and sad.

Nodding, you wiped yourself and flushed. You stood up and leaned against the wall, trying to regain some of your strength back. Once she was completely finished cleaning, she held you and carried you to the bedroom that you and her shared. Tucking you in, she placed a trash can near your bedside along with some pepto-bismol and ginger ale with crackers. She got in the bed with you and wrapped her arms around your waist from behind.

"Get some sleep baby girl, I love you..."

Both of you dozed off and you immediately felt better.

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