~Life-Changing Event Pt.2~

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the next morning you were woken up by a massive headache. you sat up and rubbed your temples for a moment, the pain starting to subside. you let your legs hang off the bed as you began to relive last night's events. after last night, things never felt the same. 

"good morning my love..."

you looked to your left side and saw your girlfriend sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. she looked at you and noticed you frowned like you were in pain. 

"how long you been up," you asked her.

"just got up... but i laid down and watched you get up though... you feeling okay?"

you sighed and shrugged, not knowing what feeling okay meant anymore. the past 24 hours haven't been okay. it has been, in fact, the most traumatizing experience you've went through. by far.

"i don't know what feeling okay is anymore," you whispered, feeling tears fill your eyes.

beyonce sighed and wrapped her arms around, hugging you close to her. she hates seeing you like this and wishes she can take all the pain away from you, but she can't. but having her here makes things a little bit better. you kissed her lips then got up to get ready for the day. the phone rings and beyonce answered it, putting it on speaker.

"hello," she answered, getting ready for the day herself.

"hey beyonce, good morning... is Y/N awake?"

you heard your name being mentioned so you walked to the phone and sat down next to beyonce, "hey granddad i'm here..."

"hey there... how you sleep," he asked.

you shrugged like he was watching you and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, "didn't really sleep much at all... i hope you got some sleep though..."

"yeah just a little bit... not much though..."

again, you nodded like he could see you and slipped your shoes on. 

"so what's the status of michael," asked beyonce, slipping on her shoes.

your grandfather cleared his throat and shuffled a little bit. you heard noise in the background and figured that he was at the hospital, "i just got here and i talked to the nurse... umm are you sitting down Y/N?"

your heart dropped but you nodded, "y-yeah i am..."

"he has brain damage due to the lack of oxygen to his brain. and.... its permanent. we also noticed that he has fluid on both sides of his brain... its a mix of old and new fluid. something that the previous hospital where he was at didn't bother to check for... so he has to get surgery to also remove blood clot that's in his brain..."

your face turned pale white and you immediately felt sick to your stomach. this is worse than what you imagined. you didn't want your uncle to go through this. you wished it was you that was going through this; not him.

"what are the chances," you asked, whispering.

he sighed shakily and it broke your heart, "the chances aren't looking good right now Y/N.... but he did do something interesting though..."

you and beyonce looked at each other for a moment then back at the phone, wondering what it was that your uncle did that made it interesting.

"w-what did he d-do," you asked, shaking a little.

"i asked him what was the last thing he remembered.... and he said he remembers you...."

you covered your mouth and closed your eyes as tears flowed heavily down your face. beyonce wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your back, "she's listening... she's just in shock..."

he continues to talk, "the words he said was Y/N.... holding my hand....then he said tell Y/N thank you..."

"t-thank me for w-w-w-what?"

your grandfather chuckled a little bit and wiped his tears, "that i don't know... but i think it was for staying with him in the hospital and the ambulance and at home when he had the seizures..."

that overwhelmed you and made your heart melt. so you sobbed hard and laid your head in beyonce's lap. beyonce rubbed your back as she finished talking to your grandfather. once she hung up the phone, she held you in her arms and rubbed your back, letting you cry. once you were finished, you tried calming yourself down as you wiped your eyes.

"me... out of all people, he thanked me...."

beyonce smiled sadly, a tear falling down her face too, "yeah he did... he is so proud of you baby... just like your family... and just like me. i'm so very proud of you..."

you just smiled and hugged her tighter.

maybe things will get a little better, after all.

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