~Its All Over~

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You get out of your car and sigh, slamming the car door. You had a long day at work and you decided that cuddling with your wife while watching Netflix will do you some good. The thought of your beautiful wife placed a big smile on your face. As you headed towards the door, you noticed that it was slightly ajar.

"That's weird," you mumbled to yourself.

You opened the door and closed it back, looking around.


No answer. Your heart began to beat a little faster which meant that you were worried. As you walked around, you saw a pair of unfamiliar shoes on the floor. Raising an eyebrow, you looked at them and thought for a moment.

Did she buy me a pair of shoes... I told her I didn't need no more shoes, you thought to yourself. You decided to go upstairs and see if she was anywhere upstairs. Grabbing your bag, you headed upstairs. As you reached the top, you heard moaning noises. Which was very odd.

"Don't stop," your wife's voice said.

You walked to the room that you and her shared and opened the door. When you opened the door, the scene that was in front of you shook you to the core. Your very own wife, Beyonce, was cheating on you. But not with just any girl. She was cheating on you with Kelly. Both Kelly and Beyonce whipped their heads around to your direction, a look of shock and guilt on their face.

"Baby I-I can ex-"

You held up a hand and shook your head, not saying a word. The pain that you felt in your heart couldn't be expressed with words. Beyonce got up  and placed on her robe, walking towards you.

"Baby, let me just explain..."


Beyonce had her head down, feeling guilt and shame. Kelly just sat on the bed, staring at you two. You stared at Kelly for a moment, then back down at Beyonce. Tears filled your eyes and began to fall. You weren't the emotional type, but this took the cake. Never in a million years would you have thought that something like this could happen to you. And now that it did, you weren't sure if you could even forgive them.

You turned around and started packing your stuff in bags, while Beyonce and Kelly helplessly watched. There was nothing they could say or do to make the situation any better. Before you walked out with your belongings, you looked down at your ring finger as more tears flowed. 

"It shouldn't have came to this," you started to say.

"If you were unhappy in this marriage you could've told me like a woman, not sleep with our bestfriend behind my back. We made a commitment *shows ring finger* This is the commitment that you made to me. I made that same commitment to you and I've been nothing but faithful to you. Is this what you repay me with," you spoke, while sobbing.

Beyonce was now crying too, along with Kelly. You sighed shakily as you slid the ring off of your finger and gave it to Beyonce.

"It's all over..."

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