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I wake up and hop out of bed. I look at my hero. "I love you~" I tell him.

Sonic moves to lay on his stomach. I find myself giggling. I walks out of the room. Down the stairs. To the kitchen.

I get everything ready. I look at my phone. I have tons of texts of Shadow. He want me and Sonic to break up.

I roll my eyes and put my phone down. I start making breakfast. My phone rings.

"Hello" I answer.

"Good morning Amy" Cream says from the other line.

"Good morning Cream" I say to her.

"How did you sleep" Cream asks.

"Good. You?" I ask and answer.

"Fine" Cream reply.

"I have you finish making breakfast for sleep head" I tell her.

"Ok" Cream says than hangs up.

I hang up. The sound of creaking stairs made me turn around.

"Hi Ames" Sonic says as he walks into the room.

"Hi" I reply.

Sonic hugs me and kisses me. I giggle.

"How did you sleep?" He asks.

"Amazing that you was there" I answer. I continue to make breakfast.

"I'm gonna take a run" Sonic tells me.

"Okay" I answer.

He runs out the door. I smile.

~time skip~

I walk around town since Sonic hasn't came home yet. I walk to Sally's house. I knock. No answer.

I open the door. And there Sonic was kissing her. Kissing Sally. "SONIC! SALLY!" I yell. My eyes tear up.

They both jump and look at me. I run off crying.

"Ames wait" Sonic yells as he chases after me. I don't stop running. I keep running. I don't know where I am running to but I just want to be away from them.

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