Chapter 2

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I hug Shadow, crying.

"Sonic cheated on me, with Sally" I cry.

"He cheated on you" Shadow says as he pauses. I nod.

"I didn't know where to go that he knows I'll be at so I came here" I cry.

"Don't cry" he tells me as he wipes my tears.

"But shad-" I started but he cut me off.

"You don't need him" Shadow says as he pins me to a wall. His lips land on mine.

I blush, closing my eyes. Is he the one? Is he better than Sonic? Wait! I can't. This don't feel right.

I push Shadow away. "Rose?" He says.

"Sorry Shadow" I tell him.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I just can't..... Maybe when I'm over Sonic" I tell him . He nods.

"I'll get you a room ready" Shadow says as he leaves the room.

I sit on a chair. I still love Sonic. I might never get over him and Shadow will be upset for getting his hopes up.

My phone rings. Damn I'm known. "Hello?" I answer.

"Ames" Sonic says.

"What?" I ask. Shadow walks back into the room.

"I love you and miss you" Sonic says.

"How can I trust you?" I ask.

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