Chapter 6

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Tails turns the TV on.
Than Sonic looking at a camera appears on the screen.

"Hi Ames, I am about to show you how Sally acts around me" Sonic says.

I watch and sit down.

Sonic knocks on Sally's door.

"Sonic?" Sally's voice says. She opens the door.

"Hi Sal" Sonic said.

"Sonic come in" Sally walks into her house with Sonic following her. Sally looks at Sonic with a firty look.

"You do know I'm dating Amy, right?" Sonic tells her. Sally walks closer to him.

"I don't care, I still love you" Sally tells him. Sonic backs away from her.

"Sally, I moved on from you. Ames is my girl" Sonic tells her. Sally kisses Sonic.

I watch in disbelief. A tear falls down my face. She told me that she wouldn't do that.

"Turn this off" I yell. Tails does so.

"Amy?" Tails says staring me.

"She is a liar" I tell him.

"What did she lie about?" Tails asks.

"Everything and she is going to pay" I scream.

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