Chapter 21

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I walk to Tails' workshop. I knock on his door. I'm about to talk to Sonic but I need some help.

"Hello?" Tails answers.

"Tails, I'm so confused. Should I forgive Sonic?" I ask.

"First listen to this." Tails says as he drags me into his workshop.

"What is it?" I ask.

"This!" He says as he turns a record on, this time with no video. Just voices.

You know Eggman?" Tails asks

"Yes I know Eggman" Sally tell him.

"Have you ever chatted with him?" Tails asks.

"No, why?"  Sally answer/ask.

"Have you talked to him around this week?" Tails asks.

"No" Sally answer.

"Can I ask you a question?" Tails asks.

"Yes"  Sally tell him.

"Whose side are you on?" Tails asks. There was a pause.

"Sally?" Tails asks.

"Yes?" Sally says.

"Whose side are you on?" Tails asks, yet again.

"I may of made a deal with Eggman" Sally tells him.

"What?! What kind of deal?" Tails asks.

"I made a deal that if I break Sonic and Amy up, he would leave me alone" Sally tells him.

"So you was thinking about yourself?" Tails asks. Sally doesn't answer.

Tails turns the recording off.

"So Eggman and Sally broke us up" I ask.

"Yes" Tails tells me.

"I need to talk to Sonic" I tell him as I leave his workshop.

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