Chapter 12

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-----------(Amy pov)------------

I walk down the streets. Tears falling down my face. I walk to Shadow's. I need a place to stay. Maybe a place to get away from Sonic.

As I walk to Shadow's door, I knock. Shadow answers.

"Hi" I mumble.

"Rose? Are you ok?" Shadow says than hugs me.

"I don't want to talk about it" I tell him. We walk inside. It's warmer in his mansion. Well there is snow on the ground right now. Stupid Amy.

"Rose, can I kiss you?" Shadow asks.

"No" I tell him.

"That's fine, I met someone online" Shadow tells me.

"Really? What does she look like?" I ask. He shows me her picture.

"This is my date tomorrow" Shadow says.

"She is so perfect for you" I tell him. Shadow smiles.

"Yes, but I hope I like her when I meet her. In person" Shadow says while smiling.

"I hope you do too" I tell him.

"So what's up with you and Sonic?" He asks

"What's your date's name?" I ask

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