Chapter 22

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I stood under a tree. Petals falling from it. This is just like my dream. Or am I having it again?

"Ames" a familiar voice says. I turn around and there is Sonic.

"Sonic" I mumble. This is like the dream.

"I know you won't forgive me but Ames I'm sorry" Sonic pouts. I than hug him.

"I love you" I tell him. He slowly hugs back.

"I love you too" he tells.

"I forgive you Sonic" I tell​ him.

"Than will you marry me?" Sonic asks. I smile happily.

"Yes!" I yell, hugging him.

"I knew you was going to say that Ames" Sonic says. So this is what was going to happen.

The petal continue to fall  on us. I love it. I love this moment. My blue hero!

"I'm so glad we are together again!" Sonic says while smiling.

"Me too" I squeak.

-------------(??? Pov)------------

I must ruin that wedding. Than I will marry her myself. No one will stop me!

The End

Please vote for another book after this. When I have 5 vote I will made another book. It probably won't be as good as this book, which I don't think is good, or the book will be better.

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