Chapter 13

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----------(Sonic pov)------------

I ran around town looking for her. I'm an idiot. I had to do that. I hate myself for it. But hating myself won't get her back.

"Ames!" I yell. I stop when I see Shadow's Mansion. She has to be there. I look through the window and I see her with him.

They are talking, hugging, and probably flirting. This is all my fault. If I never went to Sally's house, this would of never happened.

I love her. I need her. I want her. My Ames, no one else can have her. Or I will turn to Dark Sonic. I will kill who ever loves her till I am left.

What am I thinking. She will be miserable. I don't want her to be. I love her.
"Oh Ames. Why can't you forgive me. I need you now more than ever" I mumble, freezing in the ice cold weather.

I start running to my and Ames' house. I wish she would just forgive me. I know I made a huge mistake. A terrible, huge mistake.

I miss her.....

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