Chapter 4

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"Rose" Shadow says as he walks into the room

"Morning Shadow" I say as I hop out if bed.

"Why was you moaning his name in your sleep?' he asks.

"Whose names?" I ask. Shadow glares at me.

"SONIC'S!" Shadow yells.

"I had a dream" I answer.

"What was it about?" He asks.

"About-" I began.

"If you dream about him, get out!" He yells. I stare at him.

"Shadow" I whine. Shadow sighs and looks at me.

"Rose, I'm sorry" he tells me.

"I guess it's ok" I answer. I hug Shadow. He hugs back.

"I just love you" he whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry Shadow, but I like you as a friend" I tell him. He pauses for a moment.

"As a friend?" He mumbles. "She only likes me as a friend"

I stay quiet. Is he upset? Did I brake his heart? I didn't mean to.

Shadow than leaves the room. I frown. Poor Shadow.

My phone rings. "Hello?" I answer. Man I hate being called 24/7.

"Amy?!" Tails says.

"Hi Tails" I mumbles.

"Sonic ran away last night to find you!!" Tails tells me.

"What?!" I yell.

"I done told you!!" Tails yells.

"Why is he looking for me?" I ask.

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