Georgias POV
I can't help but feel for whoever is trying to wake me up, I always hear him crying or begging me to wake up, he's obviously something to do with me, if only I knew who I was. After listening to him for what seems like forever,I realise my name must be georgia right? I mean he keeps calling me it and I can't think of why It can't be because I know anything about me. I feel my body being able to move more , I'm guessing he doesent always see it because I've only heard him freak out once and that was when my eyes moved but they dident believe him..why? I moved,dident they see it? Did he only see it move? .
Its driving me crazy being like this, I want to wake up and know who I am, I want to see this boy who's trying to wake me up, I want to know who he is. It annoys me not being able to reply, he's constantly talking to me but all I can do is simply listen to him. Its like I'm stuck in my own mind, I can't even feel my body,I'm just my thoughts. Right now its quiet so I'm guessing he's not in the room, I know that because everytime he's in the room he talks to me, I guess he's hoping for a reply,I wish I could give him one but I can't.
The quietness is interupted by sudden voices of doctors rushing around me I'm guessing, and then I realise,I'm moving, the darkness in my eyes is going,light is kicking in and I feel people touching me, I'm waking up.