Chapter 7

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Niall's POV

This morning, Thalia is not in the mood to talk to me on the way to school. I don't ask her why for I know she would just make an alibi. By her looks, she isn't mad or pissed but rather sad. And inside of me is telling that I am responsible of what's happening to her that's why I'm confused and worried.

"See you later." I awkwardly say. She stays silent, making me so damn worry for her. "Are you alright?"

"No." She exhales. She pats her chest then say, "Chest pains."

I give her a very confused stare and she returns a weak smile. "Tell me what's wrong, Thal?" I almost beg.

"I can't." She looks away. I sigh.

"You know I can't stand seeing you this." I admit. "Actually, you've never been this."

"Right. Fine, just ignore me."

How could I just do it to her? She's my best friend and I really do care for her. She don't deserve to be this.

"What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Nothing." She whispers, shaking her head. This is not just right.

* * * * *

The first bell ring, cuing that the first class in the morning starts now. Students rush to their classrooms whilst Thalia and I are left at the halls.

"I, I have to go." She stammers, playing her lips.

I nod and walk to my own class.

"Hi, Niall!" Alliyah winks as we pass by each other before I head to my second class.

"Hi!" I pull out my best smile at her despite of my crooked teeth. We exchange waves before I enter my room.

The kiss we did yesterday was amazing. I could still picture out the way her lips were moving together with mine. I could still picture out her hands on the either side of my waist while I had mine on her back. And I could still remember why did I kiss her. Just to prove if I really like her. And yes, I like her. I like her that much that I didn't want to break the kiss until I heard squeaking of sneakers by someone behind me. I turn around to check who was it but there was no one. And when I looked back at Alliyah, we exchanged awkward stares before she told me that she has to go. I let her go and apparently, I was left with my afterthoughts about our kiss.

Reality hit me when I got a text message from Thalia that she couldn't make it to go home with me because her mum picked her up. So I went home alone for the first time as far as I could reminisce.

My classes goes by and my mind is full of confusion and worry towards Thalia. But now, I have to go to my practice. Speaking of her, I haven't seen her since morning. I tried texting her but she didn't reply.

"Have you seen Thalia?" I ask Alliyah who waited for me outside the locker room.

"Nope." She links her arm to mine. I wanted to get off mine but I just can't. "Except in Science class."

I am partly irritated by her being so clingy to me. First, the dare ―on the part that she doesn't want to untangle her fingers from mine. Second, when she hugged after the game last time. And now, this. I feel uncomfortable doing this things in public, especially when we aren't something. But, hey! Alliyah is my crush.

I go on to my practice though I'm off and not in the mood. Sooner, my coach noticed me and asked me what's wrong and I told him that I wasn't feeling well so he decided to excuse me instead.

Though I'm already with Alliyah, I still manage to text my best friend that I'm ready to go home with her. But I got no reply from her. To be honest? I miss her.

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