Chapter 21

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~Uploaded May 16th, 2014

Nora was starting to worry me.

Ever since I had told her I would help her out on her date, she's been freaking out non-stop. And not in the good way like she had been before. I'm talking end-of-the-world freaking out.

We both got off of work at four and Nora immediately texted Andie for help. I guessed for what to wear and what makeup. Basically, stuff I wouldn't normally give a flying horse's patoot about. But for Nora, I'd give caring about that stuff a try. I, on the other hand, had a bigger problem to worry about.

Who the hell was going to be my date?

Dylan was already crossed off the list, that's for sure. I was so glad I had gotten a new phone the day before, courtesy of Z, and had exchanged cell numbers with everyone. Because texting the guys that question was less awkward than asking it in person. I sent a three-way text to Brody, Nolan and Garrett:

Hey guys,

Nora asked me to tag along on a double date tonight so she wouldn't be as nervous. Could any of you be my date for it? It'll just be as friends and it won't mean anything by the end of the night. Let me know ASAP, thanks. :)


In the meantime, Nora and I started walking back to her house, which was only a fifteen-minute walk.

"Oh my god, I'm so nervous", Nora said. "I haven't been this nervous since Kenny Richardson asked me to go to the park with him after school when we were eight." I'm guessing that's considered a type of date when you're that young?

"Kenny Richardson?", I asked her. "What happened to Mikaël Vigneault?"

"When we were eight", Nora emphasized. "Hence, before Mikaël moved here from Montreal and before I started liking him instead. And before Kenny became a total asshat and started bullying me for wearing glasses."

"Moron. Wait, then shouldn't his accent be gone by now if he's lived here that long?", I asked.

"His parents still have their accents, and he goes back every summer and Christmas to visit his grandparents. So it's kind of normal for him to still have it", Nora explained.

"You're a stalker with glasses", I accused her.

"I am not!", she protested. "People used to talk about it all the time at school. I just paid attention to what was being said."

"I bet you paid attention to more than just that", I said with a leer as I lifted my eyebrows at her. Nora gaped at me then lightly shoved me with her shoulder.

"And you called Dylan wrong-minded."

"He is", I insisted.

"Are you sure you don't want him to be your date?", Nora inquired again.

I felt my spine stiffen and straighten, my breathing become shallow, and my heart rate switch from "leisurely stroll" to "triathlon" in two seconds flat.

Why was I reacting this way? I had never reacted this way for any guy except for the one, and that was years ago, when I was still a gullible little girl who didn't know any better.

Relax, Dani. He's a good-looking guy, you're a hormonal teenage girl who hasn't been on a good date in ages. It. Is. Normal, I insisted to myself. Now shut up and say something before Nora thinks you've zoned out again.

"I'm sure", I replied as we rounded the corner of a street. "More than sure. We just got over being almost mortal enemies. I don't think I want to skip to him being my date just yet. Or ever."

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