Chapter 2 (rough draft)

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By the end of my first four classes I was still struggling to find my way around the school. One or two people helped to point me in the right direction, but it was still kind of hard to make friends aside from Gracie. It wasn't that people were mean, it was just clear that everyone was more or less doing their own thing. Being a freshman was a hard time to make friends, not to mention to move to a new school two months later than everyone else. I wasn't a part of any of the cliques that already formed, and people weren't looking to go out of their way to welcome me. Or at least no one was aside from Gracie. 

"So did you get through the morning okay?" she asked me after gym as we walked to lunch. Since I didn't have a change a clothing and also a broken foot I sat in the bleacher while everyone else played volleyball for the class time. 

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Everything is just really different than back home."

"I bet," she nodded. "Even going from middle school to here was a lot, so I can only image how hard coming from a whole different state would be."

I followed Gracie as we walked through the lunch room and to a table in the corner. A few people were sitting there when we arrived, but they hardly acknowledges us when we sat down. I was worried that they weren't actually friends of hers, but as she quickly did a round of introductions it was clear everyone was just in a rather intense discussion at the moment. 

"This is the freshmen year book crew," Gracie explained quickly. "Leslie is freshman editor, Ryan is our videographer, and Beth and I kind of help out everywhere else. We have some deadlines coming up and this big all school event we have to help with, so we're getting a jump start on tomorrow's meeting."

"Nice to meet you all," I tried, although no one else seemed to be paying attention. In fact, when Gracie and I returned to the table after buying hot lunch they didn't seem to even notice we had been gone at all. 

"Sorry, they can be a little intense," she laughed as we began eating. "So what class do you have next?"

"Advanced Chemistry," I answered, preparing myself for the response I knew was coming. 

"Seriously?" she asked, pausing a french fry half way to her mouth. "That's a junior and senior level class."

"Kind of," I nodded. "I'm in calculus too. I just really get math and science."

"I guess so," Gracie said simply. "How did I missed that when I looked at your schedule earlier?"

"Good question," I said with a laugh. "So how do I get there?"

Gracie used the map she had drawn earlier to explain where I needed to go for my advanced chem class. It was all the way across the school, likely since it was an upper division class. Which also meant all of the students that were more or less used to seeing me clopping around in my boot would be replaced by a whole new set of people starting me down. It made me self conscious to say the least, but as I walked into my fifth class of the day I was getting used to the drill.

I introduced myself to the teacher, showed them the same paper as every teacher before them, then was shown to an open seat. Only this time my seat wasn't as easy to choose from. Advanced Chem was a lab class in every sense of the word, so there weren't desks like each of my classes all day. Instead there was a series of work benches around the room, each build to hold 2 students. And each bench appeared to be full. Even with a few people still moving to their spots, I could tell I was the odd man out in every way. 

"Glad you're joining us Ally," Mr. Greer said to me, looking every bit a scientist in his white lab coat and thick glasses. "We're going to have to add you to one of the other lab groups. He glanced through a clipboard of papers on his desk before answering me. "It looks like we're in luck. Angela is out sick today, so you can pair up with Owen. We're just doing note taking today, so tomorrow we can see if there's a different lab group for you, or we can keep you there."

Mr. Greer directed me towards a lab station, then followed me so he could speak to my temporary lab partner. Their conversation only latest a minute, but it felt like the time traveled in slow motion. This was all thanks to the boy my new teacher was speaking to. He sat at his desk, looking beyond gorgeous with short brown hair and bright aquamarine eyes. Even through his square frame glasses I could feel myself melting when his eyes met mine. Since I was in advanced classes before I moved to New York I knew a lot of rather "nerdy" guys and always found myself liking them more then the standard jocks at school. So, as I finally sat down next to my new lab partner I could feel my heart racing instantly. 

"I'm Own Foster," he offered, holding out his hand to me. I shook it, noting the strength behind the simple action. 

"I'm Ally Miller," I replied, trying to remind myself not to stare too much. 

It was hard though. Owen's face was strong and angular, even though he was rather thin overall. I'm sure to a lot of people he could even be described as scrawny, but considering I often got the same word pinned on me it didn't bother me at all. His hair was gelled in place, and went well with his grey polo and jeans. All of it combined to make him look equal parts attractive and mature. I tried to remind myself I had only just met him, so I shouldn't get too invested so quickly, but couldn't help the butterflies all but exploding in my stomach.

"So how did you hurt your leg?" he asked me as I set my backpack on the floor and took a seat. 

"I fell dancing," I explained, trying to keep my voice calm as I spoke. "It was about two months ago at a studio back in Indiana. I just moved here a few weeks ago."

"That's too bad," he said giving me a little frown. "But hopefully you get to ditch the cast soon enough."

"Yeah, only another week or so," I nodded. 

Our conversation ended as Mr. Greer begin writing notes on the chalk board for everyone to copy down. I pulled out a pen and paper and began writing furiously, thankfully using the lecture as a distraction from Owen. Even sitting next to him made me feel self conscious and aware of every time I so much as breathed in too loudly. I found myself wishing I had worn cuter clothes instead of my jeans that I had paired with a white v-neck and pastel pink cardigan. Making a mental note to take more time on my appearance for Tuesday, I found myself praying the class would end quickly so I could get away from him and calm my nerves. 

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