Chapter 8: Arcadia Bay Hospital

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Max hadn't spoken in 3 hours. It worried the hell out of Chloe. The two girls were on the highway again, back to the place they destroyed. Chloe's chest tightened. She glanced sparingly at Max, who had been blankly staring out the window for the past several hours. Chloe knew it would be hard on the smaller girl to go back there, but she had pleaded so much that Chloe couldn't refute. Plus, Chloe had things she had to do back in Arcadia... Funerals to plan.

She hated thinking it. But Rachel never had a proper funeral. And her mom...

She would make it all happen, as much as she hated admitting it. David deserved for Joyce to have a good funeral as much as she did. And as much as Chloe did, for that matter. The rising sun started to burn Chloe's eyes, she flicked down a sun visor she had personally installed in the car and continued to drive. This truck meant a big deal to her, all the markings and vandalism were what made the behemoth hers. Chloe fondly remembered the day she first found the truck and tried to fix it up. It was the same day her and Rachel kissed for the first time...

She tightened her grip on the worn steering wheel cover as the memory turned over in her head. After dark, underneath the light of streetlamps, the falling ash of the forest fire burning behind them fell on their shoulders. Chloe's heart ached at the memories, when everything between her and Rachel was new and perfect.

"Max." Chloe commanded to the younger girl, who only showed she was listening with a small shoulder shrug. "Arcadia in the next thirty." She stated, watching a mile marker they passed. "You sure he's in the hospital?" Chloe didn't like the idea of them taking in Warren Graham, but he was Max's close friend, and Chloe really didn't want to do anything to upset Max after what she had been through, so she silent put her head down at did what she was asked. Max gave a slow nod and scratched at her throat, fidgeting with the skin over her thyroid, she seemed to be stressed. Chloe didn't want to push it on her.

The bitter morning air started to fade as the two reached the town. Max had her face in her sleeve the whole ride to the hospital, Chloe didn't blame her. The town was a wreck, every building torn to massive shreds, sewn all about. There were survivors all over the place, managing the debris. Chloe swallowed as she watched some survivors scoop up dead bodies. Many of them looked at the truck, awestruck that anyone would want to be here after a disaster like this. Chloe didn't think she recognized any of the survivors, or bodies.

Max didn't remove her face from her sleeves the entire ride. Curled in on herself like a sad child, face buried deep within her arms. Chloe tried to ignore the small tremors that shook her shoulders occasionally.

The hospital was buzzing with people when the girls arrived. It must have been full of patients, since some lined the walls outside, wrapped in blankets with blood and cuts covering their bodies. Chloe fought to keep bile in her stomach. She leaned over to the brunette and touched a trembling shoulder with a ghost of a touch. Max flinched and her head shot up, face flushed and swollen from tears no doubt. Chloe heart ached.

"Maxie. We're here." Chloe tried to use Max's old childhood nickname to cheer the smaller girl up. It didn't seem to work. "You look for Graham." Chloe started a game plan, rubbing her thumb over Max's shoulder carelessly. "And I'll go to step-fucker." Chloe really didn't want to talk to David, but it was the only thing that would get her more info about her mom, so she felt she had no choice. Max gave a short nod, and Chloe moved her hand away.

Opening the car door abruptly, Chloe stepped out and shivered at the October chill. It was a lot less noticeable in Seattle. Max didn't seem to mind however-probably because she was wearing Chloe's jacket-and climbed out of the old truck unphased. Her hair flickered in the wind and brushed her shoulders, something Chloe missed about her hair. She had liked it when it was long, the weight of it on her back, the way it gently brushed her shoulders so she knew she was safe. But she cut it when her dad died, because she didn't want to be the Chloe that William knew after he died.

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