Chapter 36: Return to Arcadia Bay

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Max - 7:30am

When I awake, I realize that I'm in a motel room.

All the details from last night (this morning?) take a few moments to kick in. Finding Arcadia Bay, going to the first motel I had set my eyes on, and crashed hard. I'm laying on top of the blankets, still wearing my clothes. I didn't even have time to settle in? I'm hit with the memory of pure exhaustion I felt last night, and the ghost of it that still lingers in my mind; trying to pull me back to sleep.

I can't. Though it is early, I force myself onto my feet. I want to get as much done as I can today, and not spend the entire time laying around in bed. I can do that at home. Before can go anywhere, however, I need breakfast.

I walk over to my bag, which looks to have been haphazardly thrown on the small table next to the window. Inside, there's nothing but pocket change and empty wrappers. Could I not have thought about grabbing some more cash before setting off?

It was a spontaneous act, you don't think when you do stuff like that.

Clearly. I think, setting down my bag in defeat. So, if I can't have breakfast, then I guess a good shower will have to do. The water takes forever to heat up, and the bathroom door doesn't close al the way. Lucky for me, I'm here alone. No one to peep in on my parade.

As I strip my clothes off, I remember that I didn't bring a spare set of clothes. I'll have to get back into these used, and sweaty clothes just after I've gotten myself clean. Whatever, it's more of a mindset thing. The water pressure is less than ideal, shooting beams of pressurized water so hard I'm surprised it doesn't cut my skin.

All the same, I allow myself to think as the hot water runs over me.

I want to make a trip up to the lighthouse, I've always loved going up there when I need to think. The way the sun reflects off the water below, nothing but waves, and wind, and the distant cawing of birds. I already feel the warmth of the beating sun, and the memories the Lighthouse gives.

This trip is going to be a little tricky without ton of money. I guess, if I get so desperate, and no option presents itself; I can go to David. I know he's here, and I know his home address. Chloe and I have stayed with him a few times; whenever we came to visit town. The only problem with David, is that he would rat me out.

I sigh, grabbing the crappy motel soap and flaring my nostrils when I catch a wave of it's stale scent. I feel like I'm back in the Blackwell showers, accept here, it's less taken care of. At least in Blackwell, the paint wasn't chipping off, and the water pressure was slightly more ideal.

I sound just like Victoria used to, never grateful for anything.

The memories of Blackwell make my eyes sting, (or its the soap) threatening tears. I know I should let them fall, no use wasting energy suppressing my emotions. It's not like anyone is going to see, anyway. I'm all alone here.

Something hot runs down my lip, at first I think it's a mixture of water and tears, but when I flick it away; it's thick and red.


"No, no, no..." I mutter to no one but myself, wiping up the blood as it pours out of my nose. How could this happen? No warning, no pressure in my head, no voices. It's too quiet in my head. I've been so used to the haunting feeling in the back of my brain, the constant presence of something more than myself. But now there is nothing, I feel light now that the burden is removed.

I shut the water off, and get out of the tower, stepping on the floor without a bathmat. In a panic to not bleed on the floor, I grab a wad of toilet paper and shove it up my left nostril. I notice there are a couple towels hanging on the rack behind me, so I grab one to wrap around myself, and the other to dry up the floor I drenched in my rush.

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