Chapter 31: Max and Chloe (fluff)

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When the door closes behind me, I'm greeted to an empty apartment.

Any evidence of life is completely missing. All except for the lights, which are still on. "Chloe?" I ask, into the silent living space. The silence swallows my words, leaving me with nothing. It's only 9:17, there's no way she's asleep by now.

Puzzled, I step into the black hole apartment. It's so weird for it to be this quiet. I don't think in all the years Chloe and I have lived here, that it's ever been this quiet. Even during the nights. The fridge always makes a whirring sound, or the radiator ticks in a rhythmic fashion. But not today.

Something isn't right.

The high pitch squeal of our old TV isn't in the air, the fridge is working as if it's brand new, and our radiator is suddenly brand new and in perfect shape.

Something is absolutely not right.

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I didn't think about that yet, I admit to myself. Or... My powers, I guess? I didn't want to think about that yet.

"Chloe?" I call out again, this time more desperately. When she doesn't answer, I hurry further into the apartment, going down the hall into our bedroom. Relief floods through my veins when I see Chloe sprawled in bed, peacefully asleep. Beside her, a mostly empty booze bottle.

I chuckle to myself, no wonder why she went to bed so early. I sit down on my side of the bed, light as a feather. Chloe's breaths push out of her slightly ajar lips, making loose strands of her hair float up and down.

I smile, pushing the strays back behind her ear as light as I can.

But not light enough, Chloe stirs. Her lips flex and move, her tongue poking out like a dramatic dead animal. Another laugh comes out from me, and Chloe's lips smile.

"Too much booze knocked you into a coma, huh?" I say, watching as Chloe comes to. Most of her hair is tied back into a ponytail. But the fly-aways are suck against her face. It's cute as hell, and reminds me of when she had short hair, too short to be in any ponytail. When it was all blue, along with her fingernails, her eyes, and her broken heart.

In so many ways she still is that broken hearted teen, with a fistful of booze and nothing to lose. But she has grown up so much since then, I guess we both have. Even though I don't feel like I've aged a day.

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"Mmmm... You okay Max?" Chloe's voice is groggy from just waking up. I nod, "I'm fine."

But I don't think I'm convincing enough, I don't even believe myself. I'm sure Chloe doesn't either. Her arms snake around my waist, pulling me down into the bed bedside her. A small surprised, yet happy, sound jumps from me.

After settling up close to me, Chloe's breath is hot against my ear. "How was your walk?"

I debate telling her about talking to Nathan, how we had a great heart to heart. He and I are a lot alike. But I don't, Chloe really wouldn't want to hear it, and she's so peaceful now... like a bird who has nested above my front porch. I don't want to scare her away, and break the illusion of peace in the room.

"Not that bad. It's chili outside though." I finally respond, curling up against Chloe. My back is pressed against her chest, so I can't see her face without twisting around, but I can tell her eyes are closed. She hums, "that's what happens this time 'o year."

I let myself just breathe, for the first time in a long time. I don't feel anything. My head is calm, my nerves are relaxed. My skin isn't crawling.

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