Chapter 17: Chloe Price Shouldn't Be Left Alone

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Chloe took the afternoon off work.

She started the morning off great, getting in her car and racking in some good cash. But her head began to bother her after several hours. At first it wasn't a problem, and she kept going. But after lots of water and no downtime, Chloe called it a day, and took what she had gotten before going home.

Chloe never really got headaches, it was such a rarity, that whenever she got one, it was always sort of suspicious. Her mom got them all the time, but the only time Chloe suffered headaches was when she was super hungover, and Joyce would try to help.


Even after 4 years, the name stung. And not just to Chloe, Max felt it too. She was a mother to both of them, hell, she was a other to anyone who came by Two Whales, she was always so supportive and loving, even when Chloe was being a little shithead. (Which was often.)

That was the first time Chloe thought about her lost mother in a while, she always tried to put the thought in the back of her mind to spare herself from pain, and the guilt that came with it.

Chloe knew that her mother's death wasn't directly her fault, but that didn't mean she didn't feel guilty anyway.

She tried to shake the thoughts from her mind as she made her way back to the Price-Caulfield residence. The only home she had now. It was funny, Chloe always made a big deal about leaving Arcadia, leaving and never coming back, and how she wished the town was gone, shredded to glass.

But when it was, and Chloe was forced to evacuate with Max, it made her feel sick. It wasn't what she wanted, and if Chloe could take it all back, just to live in that weird town with weird people, oh hell she would.

When she got back to the complex, she couldn't go in there quicker. Yeah the fresh air did help out, but it was way too cold, and Chloe was craving a nice comfy bed, with a bottle of water and and some meds to keep her company

The apartment was deadly silent, Max was at work, and Chloe had finally fixed the air conditioning, so the gentle ticking sound was gone. It used to drive Chloe nuts, but at this point, she missed the sound, it was a background noise, something to keep her calm. Now she stood in the deadly silent apartment room with a pounding headache.

First thing she did was reach for medicine, grabbing a glass of water and swallowing the pill. Chloe always hated swallowing pills, it made her even more sick, and had sometimes made her throw up in the past few years.

She assumed it was because of the action of swallowing a pill that caused the sickness feeling, it seemed like the only plausible answer. After the nausea from taking the medicine faded, Chloe took a second to reflect.

It was only yesterday that her and Max took the day off work, they spent their time right here in the kitchen. Boiling Mac and Cheese, then swiftly forgetting it and dancing to melodic tune in the Living Room.

Chloe could almost see the ghost of herself and Max. She wished that the two of them had more days like that, with everything going on, and everything that happened. Both Max and Chloe have been fighting so hard to keep their demons at bay, to fix everything, that their relationship has been put on the back burner.

With a pulsing pain in her head, Chloe took another pill and made her way to her bed with her shoulders slumped. Finally getting into the bed, Chloe curled up underneath the blankets and blissfully closed her eyes.

She put her (shockingly cold) hand on her forehead, and breathed silently into the pillow. It felt so nice and soothing.

There had been so much stress that week, Chloe was grateful to have a break, even if it was just for a day, and she was in incredible pain. But it was still a warranted break. If she was lucky, Chloe may fall asleep for a while and maybe the aching would disappear.

That was the dream, anyway.

Chloe lay in pure silence, trying to lose her thoughts and the pain that came with them, but it didn't work. Not even after getting a bottle of water, and more medicine, the headache persisted, pulsating and driving Chloe mad with pain.

After what felt like days, but was probably hours, Chloe drifted off into a painful sleep.

When she woke, nothing was right. The corners of her vision were bright, and unfocused. And she wasn't in her bed anymore. It was a hospital room.

Chloe immediately sat up. But nothing really felt real, she felt light and unbalanced, her head was still pulsing, but her sharp pain turned into a dull ache. The room she was now in was bright and obnoxious, she could barely see who was on the bed.

She wiped her eyes with the heel of her palms and tried to collect herself. What just happened? The last thing Chloe remembered was laying down from her headache, and she fell asleep.

So what, was this just a dream or something? That made the best sense, unless Chloe just completely blacked out, and was living her life without any memory of it.

Yeah, she liked the scenario of this being a dream better.

Chloe couldn't even move fer herself, her muscles were moving for her, she had no control over herself. Her body stood, then leaned down over the person in the hospital bed. She couldn't see who it was, the bright light was covering the body.

Chloe watched as her hand grabbed the hand of the person on the bed, and as she leaned in to give the person a kiss on the forehead. And when she leaned back, she saw an unconscious Max laying on the hospital bed.

In a flash, everything was gone, the hospital, the bed, the weird blurry vision. Chloe lept from her bed, heavily panting.

Max... In a hospital bed? What sort of fucked up dream was that? But it was just a dream, only a dream, right? Chloe had no reason to feel freaked, to take it seriously. Or no reason to feel sick to her stomach.

But, it felt real. Her body moving without her consent was weird, but it was still as it she was living it, not in her own dreamscape.

Chloe couldn't describe it, not even to herself. But as much as she wanted to believe it was a dream, something inside her knew better. It didn't seem abnormal, Max had the ability to rewind time as she knew it, so weird vision-esque things weren't completely out of question.

Chloe knew she had to tell Max, no matter how weird it sounded. Max might know something about it. She was the one with all the Supernatural knowledge in the relationship.

A few deep breaths later, Chloe took note of her headache, or how it was missing, more like. She touched her temple, but all pain was gone, all of that malice disappeared after the vision she had. The headache and what she just saw must have been connected, there was no other explanation, right?

Others may say she was going crazy, but Chloe knew this had to be the key, and she knew that Max would believe her if she went to her, because Max went through the same crazy shit for the past several years.

So now, all Chloe had to do was collect her thoughts about everything before Max got home.

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