Chapter 15: Malfunction

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Working at a coffee shop is really not the place I thought I'd be working it. I mean, my peers can be really nice and comforting. But the overall job of it is tiring. The cranky customers, low tipping averages, maddening hours, it's all just too teenage-angsty for me to be happy with. At least I don't drive people around in my car like Chloe does.

I've never really understood what's with Chloe and that damn Uber job anyway, taking in sweaty people and driving them around on your own time sounds very unappealing. But it's probably the 'on your own time' aspect of it, Chloe loves it when things run on her own schedule, she thrives for it. I think that's one of the things that makes me like her so much.

"Hey Max, why are you smiling like that?" Lena snaps me out of my daze. It's honestly so fortunate we became neighbours, her job had an opening, and she just fit me right into it, ever since I met her she was always such a sweet girl. Chloe likes her too, I can tell, she doesnt bother Lena as much as she does with Aei. And if Chloe leaves you alone, it means she likes you. I turn to the taller girl. "I was just wrapped up in my own head again, that's all."

But Lena can see through that, and she knows exactly what I'm thinking. She bumps her shoulder with mine in a playful manor. "Who is the star of your daydreams today? Chloe again?" I feel heat creep into my cheeks as I push her back. "Stop!" I shout, but only because she is right.

"Don't be ashamed of thinking about your girlie-friend at work, Max." Lena teases one more time before moving off to clean the despenser machine in the back. I watch her and le the heat slowly drain from my face, embarassed, I cover my cheeks with my sleeve.

Where did all this happiness come from? Lately I've been down in the dumps, especially after that whole episode a few days ago. I still don't know what happened. Why did I see Rachel? Why was she trying to murder me while her body rotted on top of me? I shiver at just the memory.

When Chloe got home and found me shivering on the foor, it hurt how disappointed she looked. I didn't ask for weird freaky illusions, I didn't ask for any of it, but Chloe still seems to think that it's all my fault, my doing. But I guess I really couldn't blame her in a way. Chloe is the kind of person that when something happens, she needs to immediately blame it on someone, it's always someones fault. But if there is no one to blame, she quickly takes to blaming everyone and everything.

But ever since that happened a few days ago, Chloe and I have been laying low. I too a few vacation days, and Chloe cleared her schedule so we could try to get to the bottom of what was happening, and try to see if it would happen again. But alas we caught nothing, it didn't happen again, and we didn't find out what it was.

My meds haven't been doing a thing recently, no matter how many I take. Nightmares galore, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it, but just try. I gave up hope so long ago, no medicine is going to help me heal, I just need time. Time and Chloe. But I have all the time in the world, right? How long was I going to have a Chloe? With her record, not very long.

A squeezing feeling ripples through my stomach at the though, and I need to snap myself out of it while I'm at work. Maybe actually doing the work I was assigned to would help me get my mind off of things.

It isn't really busy today, a few customers sit at tables with overpriced fancy coffee and laptops, typing away while absorbed in their own world. But that's the norm with this place, really. That's the average here, and I guess I can't complain, it's better than everyone chattering and making a lot of noise, driving my already bad headaches through the roof.

Yeah, I hate it here most times, but I really can't deny that the mechanical movements of cleaning all the coffee making machines, and making the coffee's themselves isn't a calming effect. The repeated movements of working here have helped me relax and ease myself, sometimes I've actually stayed overtime to calm myself down before I go home and deal with Chloe.

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