Chapter 41: . . .

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Chloe - 9:00am

Max stopped breathing.

The slow chest movements that kept Chloe comforted had stopped, she looked peacefully dead.

"She's not breathing! She's not breathing!" Chloe squawked, jumping up from the bed beside her girlfriend. From his spot across the room, Nathan also leaped up from his chair in alarm. Warren wasn't as quick to act, he was busy trying to shake the grogginess out of his mind. They had only been waiting around Max for about 20 minutes, but apparently that's enough time for Warren to get sleepy.

Nathan looked down at Max, cradling her cheeks in his hands. He moved two of his fingers to her neck, right under her jaw. Chloe frowned at him, but her doubt started to wash away when he breathed in relief. 

"She has a pulse, she's still alive." Nathan said, and backed up from Max's motionless body.

"Well, she won't be for long if she doesn't breathe!" Chloe shot back, then glanced at the other boy who made his way over to the scene. "Warren, do something!"

Panic made it's way across Warren's face, turning his cheeks red. "I don't- how did this start?" He asked, stupidly, his eyes wide.

"I don't fuckin' know." Chloe replied, looking down at Max, hoping that the girl would suddenly start breathing again. She didn't.

"This is it, we have to take her to the hospital." Nathan insisted, his jaw flexing with tension.

"And do what?" Warren countered.

"Get her breathing again." Nathan had started to shout.

"What are we supposed to tell the doctors when we get there?" Warren said, "'oh yeah our friend, who's been in a coma for the past 20 minutes because her time powers are acting up, has stopped breathing'?"

"What's your other choice?" Nathan yelled, his fists clenched. Chloe wanted to weigh in, but she really didn't now what to do. Her hand was kept on Max's stomach, praying that it would start to move on it's own. Every second that passed without Max's breathing, the more doubtful Chloe became.

"We're running out of time!" Chloe impatiently reminded the fighting boys, then turned back to Max. The smaller girl's cheeks had started to go white, her skin getting colder under Chloe's skin. With trembling fingers, Chloe tried Nathan's trick to check Max's pulse. It was there, but it was weak. What could she have done? Mouth to mouth? Or the Heimlich? No, those were only to be used if someone was choking, and Max wasn't choking. Right?

Chloe didn't know what to do, her brain was racing with every single possibility, all turned up negative. She felt so useless as she stood there motionless, counting down the seconds until it was too late. The desperation started building up so fast that she was willing to try everything that came to mind, even if it was bound to fail. Something could work. Something, anything.

This couldn't be the end, there was no way Max and Chloe fought so hard, for everything to come crashing down now. Chloe had a life planned with Max, she wanted a future with this girl. There was no one Chloe loved more than her hipster girlfriend. She wanted to marry Max.

She knew that now, in the dusty motel room, with two fighting boys behind her, and her slowly dying girlfriend in front of her. If Max lived, she was going to marry her. Max was the glue that held everything together, Chloe didn't want to live in a world without Max. The only reason why Chloe was scared of death, was because it would separate her and Max.

Chloe's heart fluttered ever faster. She had to get Max out of this, she owed it to the brunette to save her, after all, she did promise. 

I'll always be with you.

"Come on, Max." Chloe whispered to her girlfriend. "Wake up Max, please. Max I need you here with me." She was desperate, "I love you Max, please wake up."

Max started to breathe again.


Max - ???

'Max. I need you here with me. I love you Max.'

The voice slices through my thoughts, it allows me to attach to something, for my soul to fight. I hear the words echo again and again, urging me to live. I want to listen to it, I believe in it. Who is talking to me? Why do I feel so inclined to see them again?

Doesn't matter, I fight.

With a sudden lurch, everything stops. The pain, the fear, the erasing of my body an soul, the voice. The voice I want to hear until the end of time. I don't even know who it is, but I want to know. The overwhelming whiteness fades from my vision. I can actually see.

When I come to, I'm alone again. Was I even alone to begin with? I can't remember. My feet are weak below me as I stand, and that's when I realize that I actually have a body. I pat myself down, to make sure it's actually there.

I was dead... my soul was shredded, it was that monster that destroyed me. Yet, here I stand. The voice revived me, gave me a second chance, the voice that was smooth as silk, the voice I'm already starting to miss. I have to find it again.

The only problem is, I'm in darkness. I can't actually recall how I got here in the first place, but if I heard a voice, that means I'm not alone in here. As much as I try to remember, I'm not sure what's happening, or even why I'm so confused in the first place. This darkness is unfamiliar, I don't like it.

I don't like how unfamiliar anything is, and no matter how hard I try to think back, I can't seem to grasp any memories of how I got here. That's okay though, because I still remember who I am. 

There's no sense of direction here, and I almost trip when I take my first step, but soon navigating comes easy.

Walking around in darkness, I start calling out anything I can, hoping someone can hear me, but I can't even hear myself; all sound I make just evaporates. The desperation in me starts to flutter and grow, I need to find this voice.

Why, though?

That doesn't matter right now, all I know is that I'm desperate, something about that voice was so calming, so relaxing. The voice loves me. Before I even know why, I'm running through the darkness at my top speed. The ground beneath my feet is solid, causing sharp daggers of pain to shoot up my legs. Daggers, why does the idea of daggers make my spine shiver? I can't remember. At least I still remember who I am.

My breath comes in rapid pants, my hope starts to fade. It's gone, the sweet siren's song I would give anything to hear again. I don't even know why I care, I just do. I collapse to my knees, failure bruising my ego. I want to know who it is, why the voice is so damn important to me. It makes the hairs on my neck stand up, it makes my cheeks heat.

I dig and I dig for past memories, maybe I can give the voice some sort of face. But, I can't find any memories, any connections to who the voice may be. I feel I have no past, that I was born the minute that voice came to me. That's fine, though, because I still remember who I am.

I am M̧@̷̧҉$!̨̕͜?͘͟/͢͟

Wait. No. I know my name. My name is @̸y^̵̷%)̵̀ ̸̸͝&̕͏̨@̵͟?̸/͏҉"!̶͡

Something catches in my stomach. My name is !͜͠a͝#̵3̶̢m@̸̛

A follow fear causes vomit to rise in my stomach, I try to force it down, but I can't help when bile splashes on the ground in front of me.

I don't remember who I am.

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