You get scared/have a nightmare

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(F/a) - favorite animal
you were fast asleep in bed, cuddling (f/a) teddy. Yuuri was in the living room watching tv.
Everything was quiet. Until, a loud scream cut through the room. Quick to attention, Yuuri sprinted to your room to find you sitting up right hyperventilating.
"(Y/N), what's wrong" he asked
You, just looked up and sobbed. Yuuri ran to your bed side and embraced you in a tight hug, until you fell asleep again.

Victor and you were walking makkachin though a forest. You  being the adventurous little child you were, ran off.
"Please, don't ran off princess/ prince" but you were too far to hear him. A few minutes later, the sun started to go down. You turned around to go back to your father but he wasn't there.
You being the 5 year old you were cried. Suddenly, thunder goes off and you scream
" (Y/N), (Y/N)!!! Where are you?"
You look up to find your father and makkachin running to wards you. You ran out to embrace your father, he looks down and picked you up. "Don't run off again, okay? " he said as he wipes a tear. You nod  then yawned. Victor smiled and took you home with makkachin following.

You woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and start walking to your dad room. Suddenly, a bolt of light brakes through the sky and you  cuddle against the wall to try protect yourself. You then sob. Loudly. In the darkness, thundering footsteps echoed in the haunted hallway,your being the creative 5 year old ,you were thought it was a big monster. Strong arms wrapped around,you screamed thinking it was a monster, you turned around only to see you Russian father. You cuddle against his chest as he carries you to the kitchen to have a hot chocolate before letting you sleep in his bed.

Hi, please tell me of this sucked and I will update soon.
BYE ♥♥♥

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