Sunflowers and Adoration

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{They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever ~ Oscar Wilde}

The following morning, I was ecstatic and worrisome in the middle of Sunday service. As the pastor preached, my mind was racing with thoughts. What was the news Rosemary would present to me? How would I react to said news? I suppose I was truly in deep thought, for my mother tapped my knee and whispered, "Pay attention to the sermon, Sage!"

Rosemary, however, was giddy the entire service. She blushed and grinned the most I have ever seen her do so. I looked at her in question, but she was too hypnotized to notice. After another hour of listening to words I did not understand in the slightest, the service was over. I rushed out of the church and searched frantically for my sister, who was standing by a nearby oak tree. I ran toward her while my parents were conversing with the pastor, and we somehow snuck past them and onto a dirt path.

We continued on this path, Rosemary ten steps ahead of myself, until we reached our childhood meeting place: the sunflower garden on the edge of the woods. I gazed around at the splendorous sights around me. The flowers, the sunlight beaming down on us, and the overall feeling of the spot was enough to relieve any stress one could feel. I stopped by a bench in the grass and attempted to catch my breath, while Rosemary stood by, admiring the flora.

"What is the news, Rosemary? You have kept me in suspicion for a whole day now!"

Rosemary threw her head back and laughed. She walked slowly with a sly smile on her face, then abruptly sat down beside me. Finally, she began to explain herself.

"Sage, you must not tell a soul of the news I am to present to you," she whispered, looking around to make sure no one was around.

"Who would I tell?" I confirmed. My sister smiled and continued.

"To be blunt, I have met a man who has greatly impacted my life. Everything about him is perfect, and he makes me the happiest I have ever been. I am confident that no other man could make me as happy as he has. Therefore, you could understand my affirmative reply when he asked for my hand in marriage. I said yes! Oh, Sage, I am ecstatic; completely overcome with passion and love. I understand what I have been missing my entire life. I am going to be a bride in only a matter of time!"

My stomach dropped. Of all the announcements she could have made, Rosemary chose to tell me that she was to marry a random man whom I have never even met. My mind started racing as I thought of all the negative outcomes of her decision: what if Rosemary elopes and I am never to see her again? What if this man is simply using her for her youth and beauty? Is this union a wise choice? As Rosemary saw my worrisome expression, her grin faded and turned into a concerned frown.

"Say something, Sage. You know how I detest silence."

I stood in shock for several moments, processing the words she had just uttered. However, despite my better judgement, I smiled and nodded, expressing my approval, saying, "Whatever makes you happy, sister. I am sure this young fellow is brilliant and worthy of your affections. What is his name, and when am I to formally meet him?"

Rosemary instantly beamed and jumped forward, ensnaring me in a tight embrace. I understood her immense joy in this moment, and who was I to spoil it? Although she was quite young at the time, how could I get in the way of her personal love life?

"Oh, Sage, you have no idea how glad this makes me! His name is Nicholas Clark, and I can take you to meet him now if you wish!"

Nicholas Clark? I was sure I had heard this name before, yet I could not recall his face or any of his traits. Nonetheless, Rosemary lunged forward, grasped my frail arms, and dragged me into the forest. My heart raced as I wondered about this man. We sprinted past huge trees and bushes, until we came to an abandoned cottage near a pond. The place resembled a shack and looked as if it had not been inhabited for several years. Rosemary, not seeming to notice that this place was an awful wreck, entered through the small door. I heard her speaking to a voice I could not hear before she emerged from the haunting shed, a shy smile on her face.

"Sage, this is my Nicholas, the man I am going to wed!" I looked around, but no one was in sight. There was no man, or boy, or anyone that Rosemary could have been talking to. I was completely puzzled as I saw Rosemary, smiling to an invisible man who came from a deserted shack in the middle of the woods.

Suddenly, my heart stopped as I made a chilling realization. I had know Nicholas Clark, for he was a wealthy accountant who had lived in our town. However, Nicholas Clark disappeared many years ago, and locals found his body in a cave in the middle of the woods. Surely, Rosemary could not be speaking of the true Mr. Clark, for he is dead.

"Rosemary, we need to leave here. Now." I began to panic as I pondered the thought of my sister seeing phantoms and ghosts. A cold stillness entered my body, and I no longer felt safe. As I turned to tell Sage my conspiracy, I was met with nothing but trees. Sage was nowhere in sight. Vanished, just as Mr. Clark had years ago. And that, my friends, was the beginning of the end.

So, I decided to publish another chapter today (two days in a row!). I really liked this chapter and I hope you guys did too. I may or may not be updating this frequently, but don't forget to check for updates. Thank you <3

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