Self Revelations and Dark Figures

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{I was quiet, but I was not blind. ~ Jane Austen}

I awoke in a cot, not having a clue what had occurred from the woods until now. I had no sense of time or where I was. Everything seemed foggy. I slowly lifted myself from the cot, and found that I had a throbbing pain in my head. In agony, I limped toward the door of the room I was put in, and made my way out of the building. As I passed by several rooms with ill patients, I came to the conclusion that I was put in a hospital. But the question still lingered in my mind: what on earth had happened to me?

I walked through the streets, oblivious to the fact that someone had brutally assaulted me. I could not remember anything, so I wandered the streets not knowing exactly where I was going. What had happened? Something about a tree stump and the woods... Although I could not recall much, I did know that my name was Sage Elliot, I lived in Longford Abbey, and I had a sister. What was her name? A type of herb, just like myself. Rosemary! My thoughts trailed off as I approached a kind-looking woman and her husband, who were walking with their two children.

"Hello ma'am, sir. Please do no think me impolite or imprudent when I ask you which direction Longford Abbey is. It is just I am lost, you see, and must find my way back home."

The woman kindly informed me that my home was straight through the forest, which was at the end of the street we were walking on. Her husband scoffed at me, most likely for my approach of two strangers and my filthy attire. Not caring, I continued down the road, receiving gasps and disapproving looks from my elders. For once in my life, however, I did not care about others' opinions of me. I could not care less, in fact. What mattered to me was figuring out my current situation and going home.

As I walked down the street, small bits and pieces were coming together in my mind. Something happened to Rosemary, and I reacted quite negatively. Rosemary laughing at me? Something about jokes? This is too confusing! I thought as I stopped, putting my head in my hands. I looked around and could not see anyone familiar. A tear threatened to roll down my porcelain skin as I struggled to keep walking.

Then, I heard a scream from across the street, and saw several children scurrying away, terror evident in their eyes. I hurried toward them and asked what had frightened them so. A young boy, no older than five, said that he saw a ghastly man in a black cloak and it scared him half to death. Suddenly, it all came back to me. The mysterious figure that hit me, my sister seeing ghosts, wandering the forest looking for her. I frantically ran about the street, searching for this figure once more. Alas, it was nowhere in sight. It must be in the forest! I thought, sprinting down the street. I kept my eyes peeled for any eerie creature dwelling in the shadows.

Entering the forest, I saw it. Like walking darkness, it scaled the ground, sucking the life out of everything it encountered. I ran towards the monstrosity, and it darted in the other direction. Sweat forming on my forehead, I dashed as fast as I could to keep up with the shadow-like figure. Then, it disappeared into a cave, and with sudden bravery, I followed it inside. There, I found a horrifying sight: my sister, in mid air, in some sort of deep sleep, with the figure hovering over her.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to message me. I really hope you all love this story as much as I do, and I'm so excited to keep writing. Anyways, happy Monday! Until next time.

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