Internal and External Battles

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{People do no lack strength, they lack will. ~ Victor Hugo}

"No! Let her go! I command you to leave her alone!"

The figure seemed to laugh at my statement, and in an instant, it turned into the body of a man. Nicholas Clark.

It slowly strode toward me, but I did not let my guard down. Rosemary was my little sister, and I would not allow anyone or anything to harm her.

"You think you are so clever, don't you, Sage? You figured it all out. Well, so did poor Rosemary, here. She had to learn the hard way. And now, you will join her."

The creature dove toward me and I leaped behind a rock. I grabbed anything I could get my hands on, such as rocks, pebbles, even plain dirt, and hurled it at the ghost. The ghost dodged all of these things, and lifted the rock I was hiding behind straight into the air. With not many options left, I ran straight for the ghost, who hoisted my body into the air and threw me onto the hard, rock ground.

My ears rang, my head spun, and I was in danger of collapsing. However, I persevered through the pain, and got right back up. The ghost, laughing at my weakness, came for me again, but this time I thought out my plan. The ghost has been wearing some sort of cloak this whole time, I thought. Perhaps he uses the cloak to hide his weakness! If I manage to rip it off, he will be exposed and expelled from our lives. I had no clue if this would work, but I was going to try it anyway.

I brushed dirt off of my dress, tore off my shoes, and sprinted full force towards the ghost. This time, however, I ran past him and tore his cloak from his body. I fell to the ground as the ghost screeched in pain. The entirety of the cave seemed to shake as the ghost shrieked. Large rocks fell from the ceiling, and Rosemary's body plummeted from the air. As she regained consciousness, I helped her to her feet and we both scampered out of the cave, leaving the ghost to holler and cry in agony.

I hope you enjoyed this second to last chapter *tear*. I would love to hear your opinions of this chapter, so please comment and share :) I'm posting the final chapter tomorrow, so be ready!

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