Sacrifice and Sisterhood

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{There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. ~ Jane Austen}

As Rosemary and I made our way back home, she began to weep, crying, "Oh Sage, this is all my fault! This would have never happened if I was not so foolish. This is my punishment for not acting maturely, as you and mother do."

Rosemary continued to sob harshly, but I comforted her saying, "Dearest Rosemary, do not fret. You are my sister, and I would do anything for you. In fact, it was acting brave and courageous that helped me to save you, and you possess both of those qualities. It was your personality traits that saved the both of us."

Rosemary smiled brightly as a tear rolled down her cheek and onto the ground, scattered with leaves. I embraced her tightly as we stumbled out of the woods. I did not know how severely our parents would scold us when we got home. I did not know if our mother would lock us inside of our rooms for eternity. And I did not know if Nicholas Clark's ghost would come back and terrorize other innocent people. But what I did know that we were safe, and that I had gained a sense of independence that day. As we passed by sunflowers and our worrisome neighbors, something told me that Rosemary and I would not grow apart again any time soon. And that was a marvelous feeling.

There will be wars, fights, triumphs, and failures during my time on this merciless earth. Sadly, I will experience tremendous pain, exceeding that of being hurled into cold, hard rock. I do not know much; I study for hours a day, but no one can ever truly understand the philosophy of life. One thing is for certain, however: I, Sage Elliot, am capable of defeating evil spirits and saving the lives of people I hold dear. Nothing from now on will be much of a challenge knowing that.

OMG!!! I can't believe I actually wrote something and finished it for once! I've had this idea in my mind for a while now, and I am so proud to say that I have officially unofficially published a short story. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read through this narrative and staying with me during my creative writing journey. I honestly couldn't be happier that I have your love and support. I am closing the book on Sage Elliot's story, but I have a sequel in mind so let me know if you'd be interested. I had so much fun coming up with ideas for this story, and I think it was truly a success, even though it wasn't as long, detailed, and complex as a legit novel. Anyways, I hope you took something away from reading "The Forest" and that your expectations were fulfilled. Have a wonderful life, I guess!

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