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{It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us. ~ Jane Austen}

"Rosemary! Rosemary, where are you? Stop playing games with me, we are grown women!" I exclaimed as I jogged about the forest in a search of my foolish sister. I denied the possibility that anything paranormal was occurring, and regarded the situation as a great prank by my sister. I was certainly not laughing.

"Rosemary, no one finds this tasteless joke comical! I will leave and tell mother and father if you do not reveal yourself!" I tried, but still, no answer. Suddenly, I got the feeling I was being watched by someone, and truly panicking, my pace quickened. About to call out to Rosemary once more, I tripped on a tree stump and landed face first into a patch of dirt and leaves. Just as I was going to lift myself up, a mysterious figure came into view and knocked me into insensibility.

Okay, this chapter was really short, but I thought I'd just squeeze in a chapter before the weekend. Just so you know, I'm planning on making this around six chapters in total (because it is a short story, after all). Don't forget to comment, vote, and all that jazz. Tchao!

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