Some nights I stay up

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A month later

I was feeling weird lately. No idea how to explain it correctly, but I haven't been feeling good in the past few days. Though Jack told me to go and get checked I pushed it all on the nerves I got from actually having a proper job soon.

I had frequent headaches and an upset stomach. And to top that, I was complaining a lot.

Currently, we were packing though. In one day All Time Low's tour would start in California. We would fly over and then get into the tourbus, which I was excited for. I missed being on the road. I felt more comfortable in a bus than at home. No idea why, but it was like this.

“JACK?” I screamed from the bedroom.

“Yeah?” I heard his muffled voice from the laundry.

“WHAT DO WE HAVE IN THE KITCHEN?” Oh, did I not mention my frequent hunger though I had an upset stomach?

“Uh … I'm not sure if we have left overs” His voice echoed through the halls. I put his last shirt into a suitcase and skipped into the kitchen, opening the fridge. Our fridge was nearly empty. Apart from a bottle of Jack and some Energy drinks we had nothing. Groaning, I walked back into the bedroom, putting all my make up into a bag so it would be easier for me to find it after throwing it into my bag.

It made me quite sad that Jack and I couldn't share bags since I had to leave quite a few things that I would really need at home, while Jack's suitcase was only half full. Groaning, I pulled my suitcase into the hall and was about to grab Jack's when he came rushing in and took his own, leaving me confused there.

“Jack what are you doing?” I asked confused.

“Carrying my own suitcase!” He said proudly. I furrowed my eyebrows and started laughing.

The rest of the day was just spend us watching movies, ordering Chinese food and drinking a lot of energy drinks since we wanted to pull an all nighter so we could sleep in the plane.

Oh boy how we were going to regret that!

At some point, we decided it'd be a great idea to make a google live hangout.

Jack got his laptop, while I started tweeting.

@JayIsGay: Okay guys, skunk and I are live in 10! Get yo questions READYY

@JayIsGay: 8Minutes to go, you guys should better copy your questions fast! Me and @JackAllTimeLow are going to answer them alllllllllll

@JackAllTimeLow: LIVE IN 7!

@JayIsGay in reply to @JackAllTimeLow: *Cough* Copycat *cough*

@JackAllTimeLow in reply to @JayIsGay: Fuck off live in a MINUTE!!!

Jack and I sat back on the sofa, me lying over his lap and him leaning back as far as he could.

“HELLO EVERYBODY!” I yelled once we had a view viewer.

“Jay shut up it's 2 in the morning” Jack laughed.

“Your point?” I asked, sitting up and looking at the chat.

“Okay so Katrina is asking, how does Jack do his hair” I read. “Dude, I'd tell you, if there was something to do” I said, smirking into the camera, as Jack looked shocked at me.

“No, so first off, you gotta straighten the shit out of the hair” he started.

“So something in the god damn band is actually straight” I butted in, making Jack smirk.

“THEN” he said louder, trying to shut me up “I put in a lot of hairspray” he explained.

“He's using a can a week! And that shit is SO expensive!” I said shocked.

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