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Megan looks between us, obviously confused, when a look of recognition crosses her pretty features. She looks at me with a look that says Cute guy on bus? I just smile at her.

I force myself to look at Alex, and I find that he's staring at me with a stupid smirk on his face. I can feel my face grow hot, so I look to the teacher instead.

"Yeah, we can show him around" I saw Megan holds back a giggle. The teacher smiles at me, but I can tell that this is just another small thing in her world of problems. she impatiently taps her foot and looks at her watch, basically telling us to move and get to class.

She leaves and we're all awkwardly standing there when Megan says, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get on the new teacher's bad side on his first day." She gives me a little wave and looks at Alex, "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around?" She steps closer, a flirtatious look in her eyes.

Alex's eyes rake up and down her body, almost sizing her up. That's when I decide to step in. "We should probably get to class. Alex turns, his whole attention on me and Megan looks disappointed.

"Lead the way." He says.

"Oh my God. He has a British accent!" I squeal on the inside, and then regain my composure thinking, "He'd NEVER fall for you. Anyway, by the end of the week, he and Megan will probably already be a thing, and you'll become the awkward third wheel." For some reason, this didn't stop me from noticing how close he was behind me as we entered the classroom. When he walked in, every single girl in the room turned to one another and started to whisper excitedly. I notice Courtney smile and wave.

"Hey Alex, you can come sit over by me!!" She said beckoning to the seat next to her. She even scooted it closer to her seat, As if that was gonna change his mind. Apparently it did. He seemed happy by the idea of going over to sit by her UNTIL she scooted it closer.

"Maybe another time." The girls giggled at his accent. I left him in his crowd and went and took my seat at the back of the room. I opened my book that we were reading in class and read a couple pages before hearing, "Is this desk open?"

I look up to see Alex perched on my desk, oblivious to the whispers and angry glares shot towards me.

"Actually, I'm sitting here." I tried to shoot him down, but he only turned up his head and laughed. I narrowed my eyes and went to staring at my desk. "I'm glad you find me so... Amusing." I say and at once, he stops laughing and his face is serious.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make fun of you, luv. But I meant that desk." He says, indicating the desk next to mine, long abandoned ever since my best friend deserted me for the "Cool group"

"Um, yeah, i guess it's open. For now." I rethink my words and realize just how stupid they are. "I mean that it is, but if you want to sit in it that's--"

"CLASS!!" I jump. Alex slides into the seat and I notice that he scoots his desk closer to mine. We all snap to attention as a man walks into the room. He was very tall, and wore an army suit. As his head swiveled around the class, a look of displeasure clearly portrayed on his chiseled out features, I notice that a scar ran the length from his forehead to his chin.

His eyes passed by me, and he did a little double-take. I would've missed it if I had blinked. His eyes made his way down to my V neck shirt and I instantly found the urge to cover my chest. But I didn't. Then he stopped at Alex. A look of recognition passed over his face, but instantly was replaced by an anger. An anger that made his face red. Alex looked on with determination in his gorgeous face.

The man turned, calming himself down, and addressed the class. "YOU WILL ONLY CALL ME SERGEANT CHAD OR SIR. NO MISTER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!" Chad barked. Everybody responded will "Yes Sir!" or "Yes Sergeant Chad."

Everyone except Alex and I. As Chad started to tell the history of World War II and stuff, Alex passed me a note. I unraveled it silently and stared at the word on it. It read,


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